Recent content by Tarahanne

  1. Tarahanne

    Help! Trying to rescue half hatched ducks eggs!

    My ducks nest has started hatching today. I walked out and her and two other female ducks were killing the babies as they were being born. One already got killed. They threw another one out of the nest. I was able to get two eggs out of there that they were attacking that are half hatched. The...
  2. Tarahanne

    Duckling bleeding while getting feathers.

    I have three ducklings. They are all getting their feathers now. One of them is bleeding out of her feather shafts. I have never had this with my previous ducks. Is this normal. Also, the other two ducklings keep pecking at her bleeding feathers. Should I separate them?
  3. Tarahanne

    Coyote attack on my ducks

    Runner.. This is him
  4. Tarahanne

    Coyote attack on my ducks

    He is a brave boy. He kept going after it even after it injured him. It was on our security camera footage. I truly believe that’s why the other two females are alive.
  5. Tarahanne

    Coyote attack on my ducks

    He sustained two ripping injuries under his wings when he went after the coyote. Luckily no puncture injuries. His wounds get cleaned and wrapped twice daily. He is doing well considering. Our two females that survived with no injuries are definitely traumatized. They are acting erratically and...
  6. Tarahanne

    Coyote attack on my ducks

    Thank you. Will do
  7. Tarahanne

    Coyote attack on my ducks

    A coyote came through three days ago while my ducks were free ranging in my fenced in yard. It killed four of my females. Our male was injured trying to protect them. He is healing well. My question is when should I get more females. We only have two left and I know that’s not enough for a Drake.
  8. Tarahanne

    Coyote attack on my ducks

    A coyote came through three days ago while my ducks were free ranging in my fenced in yard. It killed four of my females. Our male was injured trying to protect them. He is healing well. My question is when should I get more females. We only have two left and I know that’s not enough for a Drake.
  9. Tarahanne

    All four of my ducks stopped eating and drinking

    Thank you. Maybe that’s what my girls are doing too.
  10. Tarahanne

    All four of my ducks stopped eating and drinking

    Thank you for your reply.That is correct. Their food and water in their dishes have not gone down at all. Their coop is open during the day but, there is only snow in our yard right now.
  11. Tarahanne

    All four of my ducks stopped eating and drinking

    The last two days I have noticed no change in my ducks food and water dishes. Now that it’s been two days I’m getting concerned. They look fine. But, ducks can’t go without water right ? And I will add it is winter here in Minnesota. Anyone else have this happen ?
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