Recent content by TarzantheChickenMan

  1. TarzantheChickenMan

    anyone else having issues getting turkys to use the coop

    my 4 blue slates are refusing to go in the coop at night the issue is when i try to put them away any time of the day they just fly up to the roof of the house or barn its hit -30 a few nights now and they seem fine heads and feet look good from what i can see they eaten great and talken turkey...
  2. TarzantheChickenMan

    Pig Bomb

    My uncle raised pigs when i was a kid as well as sled dogs he got a litter of Eurasian boar/domestic crosses one time from a game farm well when the pigs were about 100 lbs a litter of puppies went and played in the pig pen needless to say there were no puppies any more
  3. TarzantheChickenMan

    Buff Orpington Roosters not getting along

    yup i agree with Renee' freezer camp the mean one but if you plan on breeding you may want to keep him due to him being the more "fit" the small one may be of poor genetic background/make up
  4. TarzantheChickenMan

    Mystery hen

    silver lace wyandotte hen/pullet Edit: bah missed the first post
  5. TarzantheChickenMan

    What predator ripped through the chicken wire?

    chickens in piles and a hole that far and that big looks like a dog to me sorry for your losses
  6. TarzantheChickenMan

    What's a good breed for a beginer

    when i was a kid it was Barred rocks i got them mostly cause they were what my great-grandmother raised should have seen the look on my grandfathers face when he saw my birds but now im on to other breeds but barred/cuckoo birds hold a very special place in my heart
  7. TarzantheChickenMan

    suprised coon

    that reminds me of the coon that tried to eat my pigs feed when i was kid coon went in the pig shed to eat the feed needless to say that was the only time that it did that cause the pig bit the coon and killed it dead coon in the corner of the shed in the morning
  8. TarzantheChickenMan

    what tracks are u finding in the snow

    tracks in the snow around my coop if there is anything out the i would know the turkeys have trampled all the snow in to a nice near ice pack all i see are turkey tracks, its kinda bad when your dogs all together dont weigh as much as one turkey
  9. TarzantheChickenMan

    Us chicken people are crazy, blizzard outside & Ive got chics hatchin

    lol my wife thinks im crazy to get birds in February lol she got me a pair keets in mid October and then complained that they had to be in the house because the new coop wasnt done yet
  10. TarzantheChickenMan

    What kind of shoes do you wear to the hen house?

    BARE FOOT gota find the "lawn mines" some how on a more serous note i wear a pair of old tennis shoes in the summer and winter boots in the winter, come spring depending on how muddy things are a pair of rubber boots
  11. TarzantheChickenMan

    dust and webs in the corners of the coop is this good or bad

    cobwebs mean spiders spiders eat flies chickens eat flies and spiders sounds good to me
  12. TarzantheChickenMan

    d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

    Droool man im so jealous my wife is not set agents bantam she just doesnt see the "point" she understands dual purpose and meat birds but bantams she just doesnt understand she want to put a cap on how many of them my son and i get. BBB i love your birds i cant wait to order some eggs from...
  13. TarzantheChickenMan

    d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

    I showed my son some of you picts BBB hes dieing for birds lol its just too cold for em right yet lol -20deg most of last week and my wife is gunna kill me if i get more birds and they come into the house, she just kicked my 6 week old guinea outside that she brought home for me as a day old...
  14. TarzantheChickenMan

    can a roo beat a hawk

    id have to agree with the guinea idea sence i got some my birds take cover a whole lot more the guineas are for ever watching the sky. The guineas sound off on crows and what not but then the birds of prey make a pass at the birds the guinea has al ready warned them.
  15. TarzantheChickenMan

    Rat Zapper

    Man am i so glad that i dont have rats in my area ill take my mice and pocket gophers any day over rats my sons cat is a pocket gopher killer only cat ive seen take out a gopher
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