Recent content by TC Schmidt

  1. T

    Ammonia burn or beginning of Bumblefoot?

    Ok thank you, I’ll look into that and probably clean out the crate a little more often as well.
  2. T

    Ammonia burn or beginning of Bumblefoot?

    I have a Lavender Orpington that was recently broody, has since hatched her chicks and is still separated with them. They are sleeping in a small crate but free range all day. There are two black spots on her foot that I don’t really know what it is. There is no swelling and their living...
  3. T

    Processing Roosters...

    Ok thank you, we are going to be eating the meat but I just wasn't sure if the dogs would be ok eating the feet. I thought scalding them for plucking or even boiling the feet after I remove them would be ok but still wanted to ask since I'm still inexperienced when it comes to processing.
  4. T

    Processing Roosters...

    I'm new to processing and and am an overly cautious person as is when it comes to food cleanliness. I just wasn't sure if they would still be fine to feed to the dogs or if I should be worried about anything.
  5. T

    Processing Roosters...

    I'm processing three that are just under a year and have become very aggressive. I have unfortunately had to put it off for scheduling reasons and the weather hasn't been ideal this past week so they now have some sores on their feet from the crate I have them separated in getting a little...
  6. T

    Comment by 'TC Schmidt' in article 'Using Older Chickens For Meat Purposes'

    I'm processing three that are just under a year and have unfortunately had to put it off for scheduling reasons. The weather hasn't been ideal this past week and they now have some sores on their feet from the crate getting a little dirty, should I be concerned about that for any reason or...
  7. T

    Decomposed Granite Is it safe

    I'm thinking about using the Decomposed Granite from Home Depot as a grit. Does anyone know how that would go? I saw an earlier comment about a friend using it but am not sure how well it works.
  8. T

    Darkened comb on Roosters only in morning

    I don't know if that's what it is because its still 79 degrees at the coolest here in South TX My thought is also maybe the way they're sleeping but that doesn't sit well with me as an answer. I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one though. I've scoured the internet and asked the poultry Vet...
  9. T

    Darkened comb on Roosters only in morning

    I have Cockerels/Roosters that have a darkened comb. When I go to feed in the mornings there are three with larger combs that are a little dark. One (the oldest by a month or two) has been having this issue for a few weeks or so and the other two I noticed for the first time this morning. There...
  10. T

    Introducing a new Rooster...

    Cockerel... Thank you He hatched in Feb and the other 5 pullets I'm integrating soon hatched in March, I tried putting him in the garage with them but he was a little mean for their size in my opinion. He bout took off one of their toes. ha He is not bigger than the two in the pen he has been...
  11. T

    Introducing a new Rooster...

    That was my thought too, I'll add them all in together this next week/weekend. Thank you
  12. T

    Introducing a new Rooster...

    I want to be sure I'm doing this right. I got a new rooster, I don't think you call them pullets but that's the age he is, and have him in a small crate in the pen with the other two hens that are about 3 years old and they seem to be alright. I've had him like that for about a week and let the...
  13. T

    New Member...

    Hey, my name is Tyler but you can call me TC... I'm starting with 3 adopted chickens, 2 Rhode Island Reds and a Leghorn, from a co worker but am about to have 4 more, making it 7 and will be keeping more livestock and am starting to get into "micro farming" a bit until we move out to the...
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