Recent content by TexasNette

  1. TexasNette

    Borax safe for chickens?

    Aren’t packing peanuts corn starch??
  2. TexasNette

    Wyandotte chicken heat hardy???

    Well, the “feels like” temp today in Central Texas is 120. I just walked out to my coup and my Wyandotte is dead in the run. Totally healthy, laying eggs up until now-dead! I’ve been giving them ice water, they have plenty of shade. 😭
  3. TexasNette

    Review by 'TexasNette' in article 'The Beginner's Guide to Incubation'

    So informative but now that I’ve read everything that could go wrong I am wondering how chicks ever hatch being brooded by a hen. 😂 We more often than not, have temps well over 104!
  4. TexasNette

    Review by 'TexasNette' in article 'How To Raise Mealworms'

    I am definitely wanting to do this but confused about providing vegetables yet, maintains a dry environment 🤷🏼‍♀️
  5. TexasNette

    Hello! I am back and upgraded our coop!

    My chickens sleep in the nests too-I always clean it out in the morning before they lay just because of the poop accumulation-we had chickens for 20 years and they slept in the nests. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  6. TexasNette

    Review by 'TexasNette' in article 'Winter Chicken Keeping'

    Loved this especially the hint of straw! Mine have already decreased laying! Bummer! Will it stop Totally until spring?? Sure miss all those eggs!
  7. TexasNette

    My 9wo EE chick

    What color are their legs/feet?
  8. TexasNette

    Identify Diarrhea *pics*

    I had a chicken eat a lizard-one gulp gone-would that cause diarrhea?
  9. TexasNette

    Diarrhea *picture* !

    Mine has black diarrhea-eating layer food, oyster shells, water. Not acting abnormal. Not sure if she is laying yet or not-have three EE and I know two are laying- One Wyandotte laying one not.
  10. TexasNette

    My chicken is taking an unusually long time to lay her egg

    I have an EE that takes literally FOREVER! I keep going back, still there. Two hours later, still there! The others seem to pop in there and pop out. She isn’t broody, just seems to take forever!
  11. TexasNette

    “It’s hot in Texas…..”

    The egg was in the coop but the chickens are fully out during the day. Not sure though how I could get more ventilation-it’s surrounded in chicken wire. I have to admit the egg was wedged between the coop and the fence-so, maybe. But an egg will definitely cook at 120. Not safe to eat, but it...
  12. TexasNette

    “It’s hot in Texas…..”

    Oh I am dead serious!
  13. TexasNette

    “It’s hot in Texas…..”

    I’ve got one for you, it is so hot in Texas right now that the last egg I collected(after being gone for three days to the lake) the yolk was totally cooked! Firm and yellow!😂
  14. TexasNette

    Clipping chickens wings?

    Wow! 4-5 WEEKS! I am glad mine didn’t start that early. Mine are 5 mos old and I caught two of the Wyandottes sitting on top of the fence gate! So, grabbed some sharp scissors and went to clipping. Was fast, easy and they had no idea what happened-except they could no longer fly!
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