Recent content by texsuze

  1. texsuze

    *being adopted* Rehoming 2 laying hens Spring, TX

    Have you re-homed your hens yet? You might post your information over in the Texas thread on the "Where am I? Where are You?" forum.
  2. texsuze

    Please Help in Maryland!!!

    Try posting your info in the Maryland thread on the "Where am I? Where are You?" forum. Good luck to you.
  3. texsuze


    Welcome to the Texas thread!
  4. texsuze

    Old hen - Any tips to keep them happy?

    Kudos to you for thinking things through for your special needs girl! Your setup in the pic looks good--fresh air, easy access to water/food, in the vicinity and hearing range (?) of other flockmates yet protected from pestering. Only concerns would be preventing predators (including dogs &...
  5. texsuze

    Is hatchery stock less resilient than breeder stock?

    I'll chime in here with only my personal experience from 14 years of keeping pet chickens. I started out with four Meyer chicks, one who lived to age 9. My hatchery girls after that had all lived to at least 4 years old. My first girls from a 'real' breeder were 3 started pullets (Dominiques)...
  6. texsuze

    Lean-To Roofed Run/Coop Combo Build- Advice

    Former Dallasite here. A few comments and questions. Is your coop elevated or does it start at ground level? I have 5 hens with access to an 8'x10' run with another 6'x4' communicating space underneath my elevated coop. Although my girls free-range the entire day, I wouldn't consider adding...
  7. texsuze

    New coyote den in neighborhood

    If you have an Urban Wildlife Biologist in your area (through city or county channels) I'd consult them. Urban/suburban coyotes are not at all unusual, even in large cities. My understanding is that if they are trapped/killed, the next coyote pack in the area (and they are in the area) will take...
  8. texsuze

    Predator vs Black Chicken, Old Crow Medicine Show?

    My first loss of a hen in my very first flock was Esmeralda, a year old BA, to a hawk, only because Agnes Boss hen was broody and not "on duty" that day. My only avian predator loss in 14 years. Love the BAs and have always had some in my small flock setup, but I've had EEs and Dominiques too...
  9. texsuze

    All Flock Higher Protein Feed vs. Layer Feed

    Purina All Flock fed here. Oyster shells and clean, crushed eggshells provided free-choice in separate bowls. As some of my hens age out of laying I don't want to be swapping feeds around all the time.
  10. texsuze

    ramp size ?

    Good plan to add more cleats to the ramp. You might consider sanding down those 90* edges on each of the cleats--all mine are chamfered down so no sharp edges. You can also try adding rubber mat strips in between the cleats for better traction and showing a distinction between cleats and ramp...
  11. texsuze


    We're NW of Kerrville. Clouds threatened but allowed a fabulous display of totality--very emotional! Thank you, Mother Nature!
  12. texsuze

    Chicken Behavior on the Eclipse!

    We were in the path of totality but with intermittent cloud cover. I called my girls in from the pasture but they stopped at their pallet "chicken hut" as totality set in. Smart girls, they knew it was not time to come in for the night;) despite getting twilight dark! I heard someone's rooster...
  13. texsuze


    Fingers crossed that the clouds will part and allow us to see The Great Eclipse on Monday!! We're in the path of totality, so am anxious to experience this once-in-my-lifetime event!:fl
  14. texsuze

    Black Australorp acting sick - Tail down and struggling to walk

    Sounds like she could have a Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection. If you have/could locate a vet who can examine her, take the appropriate biological sample from her and submit it for testing you could find out if she has MG. This would be important going forward re: antibiotic administration and...
  15. texsuze

    Chickens and the Total Solar Eclipse

    We're in the path of totality for the "The Big Dark", one week away and counting! Of course, weather is currently predicting cloudy skies and possible thunderstorms :rolleyes:. I plan to be at the barn watching my chooks to make sure everyone is ok and to see if they'll decide to go into their...
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