Recent content by The Meadow

  1. The Meadow

    Week by week, a helpful picture guide to aging goslings.

    I am SO HAPPY to have found this. Thank you. I have three goslings just a week old today. This is a great guide.
  2. The Meadow

    What color is the inside of your coop?

    I paint ours white. About every two years. I find it easier to clean if the wood is painted. The roosts are just unpainted 2 by 4's. I toss out the completely dirty ones after a few years and start fresh again.
  3. The Meadow

    Apple cider vinegar, anyone?

    I've been reading a great resource called The Chicken Health Handbook. It explains the science behind using ACV. Our water is naturally alkaline - and our hens benefit from the boost in acidity for their crops from ACV. Disease causing bacteria like alkaline pH levels. ACV helps to discourage...
  4. The Meadow

    Avian Flu Near Me

    I found this a study. It gave me a good wake up call. Judging by the European and Asian experiences over the past two years we are in for a long haul. The 2006 and 2015 versions were less severe strains. This one is very deadly and persists - especially in our cooler temperatures...
  5. The Meadow

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina
  6. The Meadow

    Comment by 'The Meadow' in article 'Our coop!!'

    This looks really great! LOVE all the ventilation above their roosts - and the great shade in their run. I have found that using wood chips ($7 a bale in Canada) sprinkled on the poop bar under the roost makes your clean up much easier. Your girls look pretty darn happy!
  7. The Meadow

    Comment by 'The Meadow' in article 'Coop Odyssey'

    This is beautiful! You've taken great care. I'm curious about whether there were any problems with the height of the poop bar? My big Orpingtons had trouble with how high I first built our poop bar.
  8. The Meadow

    Comment by 'The Meadow' in article 'Large Chicken Pen'

    Wow! What a beautiful huge space! And a fan club of goats to boot! Well done!
  9. When Chicken Math Led to the "Chicken Palace"

    When Chicken Math Led to the "Chicken Palace"

    Five years ago I brought home five keets to help combat ticks in our woods. Those five little birds applied the usual 'chicken math' logic to my brain ... and last summer I found myself planning a coop that would 'serve 'til I'm 80'. That's our motto around here. ;) For years I had enjoyed...
  10. The Meadow

    Cozy Coop heater in brooder?

    I am using a cozy coop flat panel heater in my chick brooder. It helps to warm up their space. It has two settings. I'm using the lower setting. They do cuddle up against it. I was unsure that their space was warm enough with just that so I made a cave like space using a heating pad tied to a...
  11. The Meadow

    Swollen Bum with no feathers

    Very curious about how this hen fared ... I have one very similar. I am thinking her belly feels 'liquid'... hoping it isn't water belly. I read it cannot be cured. Did you hen survive and thrive after this incident?
  12. The Meadow

    Comment by 'The Meadow' in article 'Coop Build 2020 Yes We Are Nuts - From the “Red BarnHouse Ranch”.'

    Love this! I too spend a LOT of my year in snow - and more snow! And we've completed a number of projects in finger numbing cold. Always swearing we'd never do it again. Ha! Your coop is beautiful. Love the colours and the curtains and the detailing. And now they have the great outdoor space...
  13. The Meadow

    Comment by 'The Meadow' in article 'Updated Coop'

    Wow! That is a lovely spacious coop! Love the perches by the windows. I was wondering what the cloth was that hangs down at the edges of the perches? Nice job!
  14. The Meadow

    Anyone use First Saturday Lime in Canada?

    I'm looking too... anyone find it in Canada?
  15. The Meadow

    Comment by 'The Meadow' in article 'Post and beam styled coop & run'

    This is great! Love all the access doors you have built. I especially like your idea for ventilating the coop during the hotter months but having the siding cover those windows in the winter. Looks like a great place for people AND chickens. Thanks for sharing!
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