Recent content by TheDandyLion

  1. T

    The Honey Factory

    Excellent. Yes, back yard bees. They are where I want them, now just to move them later to a hive body. And well Um.. rebait and try again :). One very cool experience. That's kinda what I thought I had read previously re virgins. Last night there were quite a few bees, I was thinking...
  2. T

    The Honey Factory

    *note I have massively edited this message* Just wanted to say thanks for the great advice. I reset the bait 3 weeks after I originally set the trap. Seven days after the reset, I saw a scout checking it out, 2 days later I had what I thought was a swarm, as there were a lot of bees coming...
  3. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Per the email they sent out. If anyone who would like to sign up for the notices but hasn't yet...
  4. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Speaking of migrating birds, anyone seen hummingbirds yet? Journey North migration map says they are here... I haven't seen any yet :(
  5. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Sorry that I didn't say what it was. I found it, and got called away, so just dropped it in and left.
  6. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!
  7. T

    The Honey Factory

    Thanks. Second year attempt to get a swarm. I have a couple of trees I'm hanging them in. One more question... frequency to re-set the q-tip? Monthly?
  8. T

    The Honey Factory

    For those who have swarm traps.... What's your opinion of LGO for lure?
  9. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I looked at flow hives when I started, they still require the same amount of work to inspect, etc. Still require boxes for brood, etc. And from what beesource forum folks said, they have their own problems for harvesting honey. You just have to figure out what method of harvesting works...
  10. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Ask your club. You may find someone locally who raises queens. Or if anyone in the area is selling packages they usually sell queens too. I ran topbar for years, and switch to langstroths, running all mediums. Easier for me to pick up, supers get too heavy for me to lift. I have a word in...
  11. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Little splatters of yellow/orange on the outside of the hive? Bee poop.
  12. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    They will also look for pollen too. On a really nice day you may see them take orientation flights too. It's such a delight to see a bunch doing that in the winter, to know they are still there and are ok :thumbsup .
  13. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Sure. Once the temperatures get warm enough they will break cluster and start to fly. They will take cleansing flights. Bees won't defecate in the hive, so they hold it until a warm day then go relieve themselves, and clean the hive.
  14. T

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I too am worrying about the temps. My one girl is still molting as well. She's looking better but still has a ways to go. They get warm mash for supper and breakfast. Mine are still coming out and hanging out under their coop.
  15. T

    Sally's GF3 thread

    I picked up the only clear one they had left at my store. It feels like it's nice and is crystal clear. Thanks for mentioning it, I had to search but found 1 :). Yeh! for bees making it so far. January and February are the hardest months. Did they have a lot of stores? I lost mine in 2022...
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