Recent content by TheOgdensmenagerie

  1. TheOgdensmenagerie

    What is this on my yolk??

    Hi everyone, So I have had chickens a long time. I've never seen something like this in one of my eggs. This egg is FRESH. Today's egg. What the heck is this.
  2. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Is this a realistic goal or an unlikely dream?

    I want to start first by saying I have grown up raising animals for processing. While it's not always a fun thing, I would rather know where my meat came from. I would rather know in its life it was loved and cared for in the best possible way before making its way to my plate. The animal was...
  3. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

    A good hearty pot of Chicken N Dumplings- First rainy cold day here in Montana It was fitting!
  4. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Growing feed in Montana?

    Did you ever make it this way? After a first full growing season I have plenty of advice to give!
  5. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Kids and processing//death etc

    A little late to the convo but 100% agree with everyone else. As a kid my Grandparents raised cattle. They always had farm raised beef. While we never saw the processing because Grandpa took them to the butcher for all that, Grandpa was very open about where the beef came from and not to get...
  6. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Putting Faces With Names (Submit Your Mug Here!)

    Thank you for your service, Kenneth! & you too family!
  7. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Woods open air

    I didn't think about the eggs freezing being out off the side! That's a very point! Lol good to know the chickens don't prefer the extra work 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
  8. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Woods open air

    We have some local Millers that I'm hoping can supply the lumber. I would rather shop local as much as possible. I have chosen birds that are rated "better or best" for cold climates! I figured why even mess with the others. lol I'm glad to know you recommend this coop after having it for a...
  9. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Woods open air

    Thanks for your input, Its highly valued! I have some salvageable lumber to help cut the costs down on this build, but I am a bit nervous at the $$$ outcome. In this part of Montana we have a ton of local millers so I'm hoping to find one that is cheaper than a big box store. Prices are just...
  10. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Winter in Montana

    Hi! Montanan here 🙋‍♀️ eastern side around Billings. I am debating on building a Woods Open Air Coop. Everyone says they works great for our climate, so I think I'm gunna go for it. The winter here has been quite odd and VERY Windy. I don't have chickens right now, but all our other animals have...
  11. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Woods open air

    Thanks for those! I have seen Alaskan's coop and advice for cold climates. (So helpful!) I wasn't sure if that would be similar enough to the woods design to compare or not. Haha You're from FL? I can't say I blame you on that one! ;)
  12. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Fresh air poultry coop - Winter

    Hi, this post got sent to me as I'm interested in the woods open air coop! Are you still happy with this design?? Any flaws?
  13. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Moving to WA state and getting chicks again

    Congrats on your new property and good luck on building a new herd! :)
  14. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Woods open air

    I am leaning towards this coop style, but I can't find an update from someone who has had this style coop for a few seasons in a like climate! Can you help point me to someone?
  15. TheOgdensmenagerie

    Eastern Montana (4B ZONE) Chicken Coop Design

    So in terms of permaculture influencing the design, I attached a picture below. The coop will be part of the garden. I will need to be able to open and close tunnels/runs that hook directly to the coop that will allow chickens to run the perimeter of the garden. How is the best way to work in...
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