Recent content by TheQuailGuy

  1. T

    calling any one from missouri

    Hello everyone. I'm looking for 1 to 3 royal palm hens if anyone has any that they would be willing to sell. Thanks!
  2. T

    Does anyone have any Royal palms?

    Hello, I'm looking for some Royal palm hens in the MO area I need somewhere between 1-3. Thanks!
  3. T

    Which kind of turkey

    I liked the sweet grass to but I couldn't ever get pure bread and kept getting off colored poults so I thought I might switch it up...I think the Narragansetts are the prettiest
  4. T

    Which kind of turkey

    Oh ok thank you, if you were to pick from Narragansett, royal palm, bourbon, or slate which would you pick or do you have a preference
  5. T

    Is this a Jake or hen?

    You were right!
  6. T

    Which kind of turkey

    I was just wondering what would be good type or color or whatever you wanna call it, would perform best at egg laying, are pretty, and worth pretty good to sell. Ik last year around here everyone was asking about royal palms idk if anywhere else it was like that
  7. T

    Which kind of turkey

    One was a bearded hen blue slate and the other a sweet grass cross located in Missouri
  8. T

    Which kind of turkey

    I just sold two of my older heritage type hens for $220 a piece no that's not a typo, it was at an auction
  9. T

    Which kind of turkey

    I'm looking to start raising some heritage turkeys for money and FFA I am kind of thinking about blue slate, royal palm, or bourbon red. I want a breed for egg production as well as a breed that is worth a good amount for selling, thanks!
  10. T

    Is this a Jake or hen?

    Ok thank you I was planning to sell them soon and didn't want to sell someone something and then get the other
  11. T

    Is this a Jake or hen?

    This is my first byc post and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if my turkeys are hens or Jakes. They are both broad breasted bronze.
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