Recent content by TheRusticRebel

  1. TheRusticRebel

    4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.

    She had pushed one of the 3 that I pushed under her after she moved off of the original nest back into the original nest but wasnt sitting on it. Tthen when i went out to check on her she had gone outside the coop.for a minute. Left her 4 chicks in the coop. I grabbed the one she pushed into the...
  2. TheRusticRebel

    4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.

    I do one so far see previous post.
  3. TheRusticRebel

    4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.

    @EggSighted4Life Hmm. Maybe there is some hope? She just moved back o into her original nest. Took 2 of the 3 eggs with her. I watched her tuck them under. One I was able to candle first. It had a air sac on the wide end and I saw and felt some movement but haven't seen or heard anything from it...
  4. TheRusticRebel

    4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.

    OK 😆 thanks. I appreciate that. She's moved off again and is showing her brood how to get water and food. They are eating a drinking. One egg she moved back into the original nest 2 other she left where she had moved to. Being that they have no signs of hatching I will assume they are duds. I...
  5. TheRusticRebel

    4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.

    I don't really have any Interest in hatching eggs in an incubator. Or taking care of chick's. I've done it but now that I have broodies I'd rather let them handle it. If they don't hatch naturally I'd rather let nature take its course. Thanks for your suggestion though.i do appreciate you taking...
  6. TheRusticRebel

    4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.

    I put them all under her at the same time. So you are saying they are likely duds? Just want to be clear. I pushed them under her. But if she moves again I'll take them out. Looks like she'll be taking the family out of the broader for a stroll soon. As she moved right by the door.
  7. TheRusticRebel

    4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.

    I'll.add maybe too.many eggs? This is the biggest I've given a broody. She's welsummer. This is her first time. She's only about 7 months old. The first 2 clutches were 5 and 4 eggs. Also to first time moms
  8. TheRusticRebel

    4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.

    Today is day 21. Hatch started on day 19 I saw 2 chick's. Day 20 I saw 4. Today she has moved off her nest with the 4 and left 3 eggs. At day 8 I had candlesd them and they all looked the same development wise. I didn't touch them after. I put the remaining eggs to my ear and hear nothing. They...
  9. TheRusticRebel

    Iso cream legbar hatching eggs

    Oh yes. I will have to keep you in mind. I already gave her some eggs she's been sitting on almost a week. But I donhave 2 broodies. So when the other one pops off can I DM you? Are they pure CLB?
  10. TheRusticRebel

    Hatching eggs! Crested Cream Legbars

    Yeah I figured that out after I posted :hit I posted an ISO thread so hopefully I will get some bites. I could go the ebay route but id rather try here first.
  11. TheRusticRebel

    Iso cream legbar hatching eggs

    I'm in South Carolina. 1 of my broodies went into the nest yesterday.
  12. TheRusticRebel

    North Carolina

    Anyone near Charlotte have cream legbar pullets?
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