Recent content by TheTwoRoos

  1. TheTwoRoos

    Weight loss/very concerning

    How does yolk give the bird infection, they eat their own yolk sometimes, thank you for the info though, I didn’t know this happens
  2. TheTwoRoos

    Weight loss/very concerning

    Wow I didn’t even know that was thing, thanks for the info....
  3. TheTwoRoos

    Weight loss/very concerning

    I have a quick health question.I have an Orpingtons who is over a year old who has lost an extreme amount of weight.The bird use to be fit, and great in health then suddenly she started having soem appearently problems.About 2 months ago I noticed the bird had a literal egg shell hanging out of...
  4. TheTwoRoos

    Keeping a rooster with a small backyard flock?

    When raising chickens as pets, it really can go left.I raise as pets and for eggs and have ran into this issue way more often with hens then roosters,I have had a couple different aggressive hens,and only one aggressive rooster.However,hens arent ALWAYS looking to attack, they usually show...
  5. TheTwoRoos

    Young Rooster - affectionate?

    I’ve had many friendly roosters,some go sour some remain friendly but gain responsibility so often times they will distance themselves and stay busy, just depends on the bird and how bad his hormones take him.I think if you show minimum dominance he’ll be fine.
  6. TheTwoRoos

    Hens breeding hens/Masculine chickens

    So I need soem help understanding this.I have a year old polish HEN,100% girl,who is most defiantly all FEMALE.Lays eggs,has female feathering so and so fourth.I have these two brown favorolles in my flock who are older then the rest (not sure picked them up way alst year when my birds were...
  7. TheTwoRoos

    Chicken fights

    I’m facing this issue head on right now.I duct taped my roosters spurs and let them go at it.Often time birds will cause a fatal blow with the spurs but when their point end are wrapped it their only source of weapons is beak, which cause minimal damage like blood, both the boys settle their...
  8. TheTwoRoos

    Constipated chick + turkey issue

    Thanks will defiantly separate.The chicks poop looks totally normal other then it being clumped up.
  9. TheTwoRoos

    Constipated chick + turkey issue

    I am in need of help for one of my chicks.I wasn’t sure where to place this as it’s involving two different situations so I figured here would be ok. One of my bantam is having serious issues using the restroom.I have cleaned it’s butt several times but it just gets reclogged up,and then it...
  10. TheTwoRoos

    Chicks and cold weather

    I currently picked up 7 chicks and two turkeys from the feed store.I have been dealing with chickens for awhile however this will be my first time keeping them in the shed and my first time purchasing them this early.I live in Missouri and it’s gotten pretty warm very early here (compared to...
  11. TheTwoRoos

    Are foxes more intimated by male dogs?

    Anyhow,it’s been a few days since we have seen the fox,he was actually coming up to the chicken run in the mornings so I had to switch times up on him,and etc,think I forced him to go hunt somewhere else.I went and pooped firecrackers and through them all out in the woods,it’s scared the fox and...
  12. TheTwoRoos

    Are foxes more intimated by male dogs?

    The though of her ending up making friends with it actually crossed my mind,lol.Then I would have to use her to get to the fox,just to shoot it in front of her face.
  13. TheTwoRoos

    Are foxes more intimated by male dogs?

    Curious if anyone knows the answer to this.I am having a fox issue,and this issue actually went away for awhile.I currently have a Great Pyrenees,who is a male.I wanted a boy because I feel as if when it comes to predators and other dogs males are more Intimidating.I am just assuming this based...
  14. TheTwoRoos

    The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

    We want too,for now we have just been invading its territory.Im pretty for sure I am,they say they can be a couple acres to Miles long,but if he is regularly trying to feed of my hens,and drinking water from my pond,I think he live not maybe but ten acres away in the other field,escpecially...
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