Recent content by Three Little Bunnies

  1. Three Little Bunnies

    What size flock do you have?

    I've got 23 hens (various breeds, ages, and abilities), eight six-week-old pullets (hopefully), and two roosters (1-year-old bantam frizzle Cochin and 11-month-old White Leghorn). 33 in all. I've had as many as 37, but they got pretty grumpy with the roosts, so we had to cut back. I would...
  2. Three Little Bunnies

    What breed are these hens?

    Hi! We got six hand-me-down chickens last summer. We were told that they were Easter Eggers from a hatchery, but they don't look much like the EEs I have had in the past. Most of them lay blue, one lays pink. Any ideas? In order: Peppy, Chicken Little, Snowflake, Speckles
  3. Three Little Bunnies

    Show Me Your Isolation Areas

    My coop has a divider wall made of chicken wire with a doorway - one side has the roosts and nest boxes and the other is mostly storage, and the chickens have access to both. When I have chickies or a mama hen with babies, I'll use a puppy exercise pen to portion off part of the storage side for...
  4. Three Little Bunnies

    Reputation of White Leghorn hens?

    My White Leghorn pullets and hens (I've had five) have tended to be pretty loud, and they definitely fly! Though I've heard that that can be mitigated by clipping their wings (which I haven't tried). They aren't the friendliest of my birds, but the current two were raised by a hen rather than...
  5. Three Little Bunnies

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Six yesterday... out of twenty-five hens 🤨😂
  6. Three Little Bunnies

    White Leghorn pullet with chronically bleeding comb

    Thanks for your reply! I watch the chickens every morning to see how they're doing, and I haven't seen any signs that she is being bullied. She's one of the younger chickens, but she definitely isn't the smallest. It does seem possible that it just keeps scabbing and getting pecked open. The...
  7. Three Little Bunnies

    Chickens hatching quail?

    Hi! I have a broody bantam frizzle Cochin, and I'm considering letting her hatch something. My friend with quail said domestic quail can't hatch their own eggs, but maybe a chicken could? Would a chicken be able to hatch quail and raise them? Thanks!
  8. Three Little Bunnies

    Do you name your chickens?

    I've had about 69 chickens (not all at once - peak amount was 37 :)), and I think all but four had names (chicks who died within three days). Most of them have had themes. Some of the more interesting ones: Wheelbarrow, S'more, Curly Sue, Hazel the Frizzle, Earl, Polar Bear, Steamboat, Kitten...
  9. Three Little Bunnies

    White Leghorn pullet with chronically bleeding comb

    Hi! 1) What type of bird, age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She's a White Leghorn pullet, about five months old, seems about the same size as her sister. She actually feels kind of heavy for a Leghorn. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Her comb...
  10. Three Little Bunnies

    Bantam Rooster with Full Size Hens-I've Got Questions?

    I'd say that it depends on the size of your chicken area and how many hens you have. Right now I have four roosters (two bantam Cochin, two White Leghorn) and thirty-three hens in a 30x100 ft (ish) run, and that works out fine.
  11. Three Little Bunnies

    Bantam Rooster with Full Size Hens-I've Got Questions?

    I've got two bantam Cochin roosters in with my mixed flock of ages, breeds, and sizes. The five bantam hens don't seem super enthusiastic about buddying up with the boys, and the bigger hens are difficult for the boys to mate with. Some of the eggs have bull's-eyes, indicating that mating has...
  12. Three Little Bunnies

    How to feed large flock?

    The run is roughly 30 by 60 feet surrounded by goat fencing, so it would be prohibitively expensive to wire it to keep out the wild birds (I assume I would have to use hardware cloth). However, it might work to fence the feeders? Not sure. Thank you for your reply!
  13. Three Little Bunnies

    How to feed large flock?

    Hi! Chicken math has taken over, and I now have thirty-seven chickens. These include seven bantams (Cochins and Brahmas) and a total of four roosters (right now, at least. We can't keep them all! Two are bantam Cochins and the other two are 12-week-old White Leghorns). Most of the flock is...
  14. Three Little Bunnies

    Official BYC Poll: Special Needs Poultry

    I have a hand-me-down Easter Egger named Iris who is mostly blind (ironic, right? But we named her after the flower before we figured out that she was blind). She runs into things a lot and is low in the pecking order, but nothing too terrible. She's a sweetie. She comes to me for hugs.
  15. Three Little Bunnies

    Chicken wiggling neck, very full crop

    Hi! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Easter Egger? hen, about two, seems the same as the others she came with. Most of them look like they may be overweight. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. This chicken has been wiggling...
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