Recent content by ThreeBoysChicks

  1. ThreeBoysChicks

    SlackWater Test Hatch

    Hatched out 3 BLRW and 6 BBS Orpingtons. Everyone is healthy.
  2. ThreeBoysChicks

    Zane... An Update for Those Interested

    Cynthia, It has been a long time since I have been on BYC and was not suprised that this is first post I see is about Zane. Glad to see Zane is doing so well. I still have Meg's baby (Meg Jr.) although, she is huge now and doing very well. I still have some Barred Rocks that I started...
  3. ThreeBoysChicks

    SlackWater Test Hatch

    Lockdown 7 BBS Orps and 4 BLRW. As of now, 5 of the BBS orps have pipped and one is zipping.
  4. ThreeBoysChicks

    Best guard animal against hawks (besides dogs)???

    We have three big barn cats that have actually taken down a Red Tail Hawk. In addition, we have Geese and Guinea that run the place. And if that is not enough, the goats and the draft horses that share the fields keep them at bay.
  5. ThreeBoysChicks

    SlackWater Test Hatch

    Of the 16 eggs, all 8 BBS Orpingtons are development. 5 of the 8 BLRW are developing. Looking good.
  6. ThreeBoysChicks

    Chick, moving backwards and falling over.... What is it?

    So I have a Maran chick that hatced out a couple of weeks ago. Noticed last night that she is walking backward, falling over and just not acting right. I have her seperated in the chick Hospital. Really thought she would be dead over night. This morning, she is alive. Eatting and Drinking...
  7. ThreeBoysChicks

    can a chicken hatch eggs in a 12x12 nesting box?

    Ok - This is just my opinion, but don't worry so much and let her do her thing where she is. In my horse stalls, I have plastic kitty litter buckets attached to the wall about 6 ft off the ground, they are smaller than 12X12X9. I have an Ameraucana that has hatched at least 6 clutches in them...
  8. ThreeBoysChicks

    6+ or 8+ Buff & BBS Silkie Eggs *NPIP* *Sundown Silkies*

    So out of my 10 that you shipped with my first purchase, 9 developd, 8 went into lockdown and as if this post, 5 have hatched and day #21 technically start tonight at 8:30 pm. Very happy and very excited to get some new blook in the Silkie Pens. The second batch that I purchased are in the...
  9. ThreeBoysChicks

    SlackWater Test Hatch

    I purchased eggs from SlackWater for purposes of her testing her packing process. I received 16 eggs in great condition on Tuesday 01/24/2012. They sat at rest, turning once for 24 hours. They were placed in my Hovabator Genesis 1588 on Wednesday Night (01/25/2012). Temp steady at 99.9 and...
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