Recent content by Tinybabes

  1. Tinybabes


    I signed hope the petitions do the job.
  2. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Monsoons are here in Arizona been so hot and dry the rains are welcome. I worried about the chickens as they had never seen hard rain. Went out to check on them and found each one sitting on chairs and the bbq ect. They were actually liking the rain but chose not to sit in the mud. Luckily we...
  3. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Am back this will teach me to stay off the computer for a week I had like 19 pages to read. Good reading so no real complaints on that score. Thanks for the kind posts. Nice to see new members. Welcome!! My baby chicks have grown up--- we got our first eggs from them this week. My young cochin...
  4. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Been mostly off line for awhile fighting with heath insurance and their providers. Had a pain clinic appointment 50 miles away so our vehical broke down and I had to demand medically neccessary rides.Meanwhile argueing wth the company that sends assistants to me as I have to have help wth...
  5. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    You people are cheering me up again. Dave and I are both retired. He has always had what I thought as a coldness toward farm animals and dogs n such. If someting had to be put down he calmly did it and never seemed to be bothered. Last year he named a turkin chick Fluffy. This year he has tamed...
  6. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

  7. Tinybabes

    Cochin Thread!!!

    Thanks I have been to this page. My eyes are not yet trained well so have trouble judging myself plus they are so sweet I tend to be predjudiced.
  8. Tinybabes

    Cochin Thread!!!

    AndyCap Thanks for taking a look. As soon as I can get Dave to get more photoes will post. The blues feet are yellow. I am hoping they will improve as they mature. I really do not have plans for the partridge other than eggs. The mottled cock I like but is that an accepted variety? I didn't see...
  9. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Last year I decided to concentrate on one breed. Anyway I got it down to cochin or japanese bantys. There is sooo much to consider --Took me months to decide so I can feel your difficulty in choosing your breed good luck with that and when you do decide please post a link to a picture of one...
  10. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Hmmm jam!!! I so miss canning. As I have to rely on Dave and a helper to cook I am not sure I am ready to teach that lesson. Dave has mastered home made egg noodles and demanding lessons on making a cobbler as the apricots and peaches are beginning to ripen. The chickens got into my strawberry...
  11. Tinybabes

    Cochin Thread!!!

    I asked about these 14 week chick this weekend and received no answers so I am assuming most members were not on line. So, because I really want to learn so someday my flock will be something to be proud of I am asking again to know what is good and what is bad about these chicks. The little roo...
  12. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    What is a BYC ovation? I seem to have gotten one. Oh never mind I put a caption in that contest.
  13. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    I can taste those strwberries could you email me one? Great your coop plans are progressing.
  14. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Yes I guess others don't do what I do and check back on the threads I am on and look at photos ect. I will retry my post Monday. Thanks Chickadoodles
  15. Tinybabes

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    It's happening again I post my pic of my babies in the cochin thread and many hours later no replies. Makes me feel like I have bad internet BO. I see other newbies get answers with just about the same requests. Any idea what is my problem? I just want to improve my flock over time. I will never...
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