Recent content by tmfineg

  1. tmfineg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I use wormwood to worm my chickens, does anybody else do this?
  2. tmfineg

    Strange sounds

    I have a 4 year old rooster who wheezes on a regular basis. He is perfecty fine otherwise. At first I tried everything, nothing helped, then it got better on it's own. It is sporadic and occurres at different times of the year. Just keep an eye on your roo and use your judgement. Chickens are...
  3. tmfineg

    Terrorizing my chickens.

    We just moved to a house where there is a hawk's nest with 4 hawks, we think a mom, dad,and 2 juveniles. It took a while to figure out how to hawk proof our chickens. They have gotten 4 chickens, we had some younger, smaller breed chicks and 2 were small enough to squeeze through the fence. One...
  4. tmfineg

    Meat chicks shipped on Monday and they said it should be here on friday

    How old were they? If they had just hatched they may be ok.
  5. tmfineg

    Mites in nesting boxes

    We had a very bad mite problem. I tried DE, neem oil, you name it. The only thing that worked was dusting the coop with sulfur powder. I dusted every nook and cranny. I even dusted the chickens with it. You do need to be careful to not breath it in, nor allow the chickens to breath it in. I put...
  6. tmfineg

    Attacked by Fox in the night- Hen is labored in her breathing

    I hope you get some solid advise soon. Chickens are resilient, so maybe she will heal. I have dealt with many injuries, but none that were internal. Does she seem to be in pain? The fact that she is eating and drinking is a good sign.
  7. tmfineg

    Unidentified freebie

    What kind of chicks did you order and from what hatchery?
  8. tmfineg

    Wyandott or Bard rock?

    Looks like barred rocks to me. They are nice birds, I think you will be happy with them.
  9. tmfineg


    I am very curious now, I will take some better pics and post them
  10. tmfineg

    Silver Phoenix with yellow legs??

    Very interesting! I will be thrilled if they are silver leghorns! They are larger than the slate leg birds, and feathered out sooner. Here is a pic of my silver phoenix roo.
  11. tmfineg


    Oh really? Let's wait and see...
  12. tmfineg

    What breed is our free chick from mcmurray ?

    I will take some pics tomorrow. Here is one of our silver phoenix pullets. We received 4 silver and 1 golden phoenix pullets, 1 roo, 2 Cochins,, 1 lakenvelder, 3 dominiques, we lost a couple early on that we are not sure of. What other breeds did you get?
  13. tmfineg


    This little one is taking so long to feather out, and it has more white than the others. This is one 15 from Murray McMurray in their ornamental layer collection.
  14. tmfineg

    Silver Phoenix with yellow legs??

    They are from Murray McMurray, so yes.
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