Recent content by trapper175

  1. T

    Dark Cornish chicks

    Thank you
  2. T

    Dark Cornish chicks

    any leads on who has dark cornish chicks? seems every resource I've looked into is sold out for the year . . thanks
  3. T

    Has Anyone Raised Murray McMurray's Delaware Broilers?

    does that imply then, that they won't breed true? I ordered 15 of these to ship this month and was told at that time that they would breed true but I'm now questioning the reliability of that information after reading this thread
  4. T

    Freedom Ranger Hatchery - Sasso

    does anybody have experience with the Sasso broiler from Freedom Ranger hatchery? I'd like to try a run of 20-25 after my batch of imperial broilers from Moyers is processed. thanks for any input
  5. T

    Raising broad breasted on spent grain

    Has anyone had experience with raising broad breasted turkeys on spent grain from a brewery? currently get about 1,000lbs a week fresh from the kettle that I'm growing out a handful of pigs on . . once they go to the butcher here in a month or two I think I'm going to get some white broad...
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    Experiences with ducks and streams

    our ducks free range 24/7 and we have a creek and a pond . . they come back and roost/sleep beside the barn every single night . . none ever left out of dozens that we've had
  7. T

    Hoffman Hatchery in PA

    Curious as to whether or not anyone has ordered from Hoffman Hatchery in PA? It's mail order only, no phone or online ordering. Thinking about ordering some pekin ducklings from them this spring as they're close to me and appear to be a smaller operation. Thanks
  8. T

    Newbie Toulouse questions

    Thanks. I think I'll put them in the barn for a week to establish their home here then move them to a shelter by the creek and just let them free range (I lock the ducks in an outside pen at night). Thanks again!
  9. T

    Newbie Toulouse questions

    Thanks . . so if they turn 4 later this year, they’ll still have a few more reproductive years in them?
  10. T

    Newbie Toulouse questions

    Good morning! I’m getting a 3 y/o pair of breeding Toulouse this weekend and had a few questions; how many years are they capable of hatching and raising their own? Will they continue to lay after they’re not productive anymore? Most importantly, can they be housed with ducks? I have about 20...
  11. T

    Laying in the open

    another 3 this morning, all on the bare ground right in front of the gate . . they must lay early too because I got them at about 620am and they cold already
  12. T

    Laying in the open

    Thanks! I do actually have dummy eggs in these shelters but theyre just thrown in there; I'll pile straw up in the corner of each and place the fake eggs there. Thanks again
  13. T

    Laying in the open

    Thanks. Yeah I have straw spread out in all the shelters I made so maybe I'll just pile it up in the corners. I have the shelters spread throughout the pen as well.
  14. T

    Laying in the open

    Good morning! Brought some new ducks home this weekend bringing our total to 29. We had some khaki campbells for awhile and just recently brought home some Harlequins, Rouens, Mallards, and Swedish. Currently they reside in a large outdoor pen (we'll let them free range once they establish this...
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