Recent content by Tricoglossus

  1. Tricoglossus

    Chick pipped the wrong end. What might happen?

    Sorry to hear that. At least you tried your best to save the little one.
  2. Tricoglossus

    How about this one ?

    Wow she looks so much like an araucana I had which sadly passed away recently. You may have an araucana cross there.
  3. Tricoglossus

    What breed and gender is this one? Thank you!

    There is absolutely no question that you have a rooster there. I also think it's an EE mix.
  4. Tricoglossus

    silkie sexing

    Too young to tell.
  5. Tricoglossus

    Chick pipped the wrong end. What might happen?

    Glad to hear that she got out! I am dealing with a sticky chick today. It had pipped and made a rather big hole but had not progressed by 48 hours later, which was when I got home today. I decided to take the egg out of the incubator and investigate, and what had happened was the chick had...
  6. Tricoglossus

    Can you tell me if my 3 pea birds are peahens or peacocks?????

    Sounds like you have two peacocks and one peahen.
  7. Tricoglossus

    Gonna try Incubating

    Well done! That's a great result. So the four BO crosses are from your dear deceased BO? Now you can always tell people that it's possible to hatch eggs from the fridge as well (some don't think it's possible!)
  8. Tricoglossus

    Thought egg was dead, cracked it open, but it's moving...

    Oh that's awful, sorry to hear that! Any eggs I am suspicious of, but not 100% sure of, I just leave in the incubator. As I am sure you will from now on. Good luck with the rest of your hatch!
  9. Tricoglossus

    Chick pipped the wrong end. What might happen?

    I had one pip like this today, about 10 hours ago was when I first noticed it. There wasn't any white running down the shell like with yours. My chick managed to make a little progress and then stopped as it seemed to keep pecking at the same area and wasn't getting very far. It was repeatedly...
  10. Tricoglossus

    Can you tell me if my 3 pea birds are peahens or peacocks?????

    I've heard from peafowl owners that the hens will do that as well. Does that bird pictured in the middle of your photo have a blue breast or is it female coloured?
  11. Tricoglossus

    Please Help, my duck eggs are turning black on the INSIDE!!!

    Yeah they don't look too hot do they. But you may as well leave them for a few more days and then check again. Where are you located? If you're coming into autumn then you are at the end of the breeding season and for some flocks fertility can plummet towards the end of the breeding season...
  12. Tricoglossus


    You have two roosters and one pullet. The pullet is the smaller bird in the centre.
  13. Tricoglossus


    Rooster. Is that your other known rooster pictured in your last photo?
  14. Tricoglossus

    Please Help, my duck eggs are turning black on the INSIDE!!!

    When you candle the eggs which contain the odd black discolourations, is there any signs of life - eg a moving embryo? When you say it's wiggly, is that because you are moving the egg or is it moving on its own? It might be best if you leave them in the incubator for another few days and check...
  15. Tricoglossus

    HELP, is our Frizzle a rooster.

    Rooster. He's so cute!
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