Recent content by TropicChook

  1. T

    Comment by 'TropicChook' in article 'BYC 2019 Calendar'

    Wow, beautiful pictures! What breed is February's? She is a gorgeous hen!
  2. T

    Pros and Cons of Free Ranging

    I lean toward recommending run improvements, since they are at your in-laws' home, and not yours. Free range means poop everywhere, and perhaps your in-laws may not appreciate that on their doormat. I guess you have to weigh how often you can you visit and care for your flock as well as how much...
  3. T

    Review by 'TropicChook' in article 'Cleaning and storing fresh eggs'

    Preparing for our pullets to lay in a few months. So much to learn. In an age of overwhelming information on every possible bacteria, virus, parasite, etc., that can afflict us, or our flocks, as we try to provide healthy to our families, I really appreciate sensical articles like this!
  4. T

    Comment by 'TropicChook' in article 'Table Scraps and Leftovers for Chickens'

    Agree. Good article and lists! But also good to know that other food stuffs, like walnuts and compost piles, can actually be ok. I'd think the feed ratio is because of feed advertisers on this website. None of us likely live by eating 90% fortified cereal. Why would we expect our chickens to?
  5. T

    Learning anew

    Very helpful video, thank you!
  6. T

    Learning anew

    Aloha! We had free-ranged chickens, roosters, & ducks while growing up on the mainland in the country. After 30 years of work and travel, I dreamt of living in the country again and didn't plan to own chickens before leaving the islands, but now have two! Hawaii has terrific conditions for...
  7. T

    Using straw bale as coop insulation and sound proofing?

    Brilliant idea to have a straw bale constructed coop! From the linked article: "...In the morning, the doors are opened, the chickens are free to wander about in the extended food forest garden, picking off bugs and fertilizing the field. During daylight hours the roosters are allowed to crow...
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