Recent content by tslaven

  1. tslaven

    Egg bound need advice

    Thank you. I actually found the same website. At this stage I'm worried that Ian prolonging her misery by giving the calcium and baths. I just don't understand how she can defecate normally and have the egg stuck. Right now she is balancing herself with her wings since her legs aren't working.
  2. tslaven

    Egg bound need advice

    I have a young pullet who has never laid an egg and I believe that she is egg bound. She sat and pumped her tail up and down for about two days. When I figured out the problem I started trying the disks in warm water which I've done twice. I got calcium pills and gave her water with the...
  3. tslaven

    Eggtopsy (GRAPHIC)

    Chook, I had the same thing today. I got 13 hatched chicks out of 21 eggs. When I did eggtopsies 7 were not even fertile and one was a perfectly formed but dead chick. I thought maybe it drowned when it tried to pip. Could that be what happened to yours? So sad.
  4. tslaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    Wow. Mine are due to hatch tomorrow and I'm only at 49%.
  5. tslaven

    Final check before I sell him/her: Roo or Pullet?

    Thanks to both of you. I am feeling better unless I go by the brooder. :(.
  6. tslaven

    Final check before I sell him/her: Roo or Pullet?

    Your chicks are beautiful! I could use some support. Tonight I stepped on and severely injured Mia my single chick that survived my first attempt at hatching. We had to put her down because if her injury. She followed me around, and I know she thought I was her mom. I feel horrible. Now...
  7. tslaven

    Wry neck question

    It does help. Thank you.
  8. tslaven

    Wry neck question

    Thank you for the response. I have actually read quite a bit about incubating..but there is a lot that I still need to learn. I'm mostly interested in symptoms of wry the necks typically droop down or it is likely that my chick with its off to the side bend could have had this.
  9. tslaven

    Wry neck question

    I lost a chick, one of only two that hatched in my first incubation attempt, about a week ago. Its neck was bent to the left so that it was unable to keep its balance and would fall over. Since it hatched this way, and I am inexperienced, I assumed that it grew too fast and didn't have...
  10. tslaven

    Chick holds leg out strangely and won't use it. Need advice.

    For my first attempt at hatching, I have just one chick who is about 6 days old now. He was fine and strong from the beginning. After about 3 days he started holding one leg out straight to the side. He has been in the brooder by himself so I'm unsure of what happened. I did have him on...
  11. tslaven

    help with chick

    What a good idea. Yarn might work too. My little guy seems to have hurt his leg. I don't know how since he is my himself in the bin. Hopefully it will get better. After losing the last one, I am going to really be bummed if he has problems too. I'm saying "him" but I have no idea.
  12. tslaven

    help with chick

    Update, I just went out to check on my 2 chicks and one has died. I had to help it out of the shell and its' neck was bent to one side, so it is probably better this way. So, I have a single chick too. I might try putting it in with one of the more docile hens and see if it will get along ok...
  13. tslaven

    help with chick

    I have almost the same problem. Of 9 eggs, only 2 hatched on the 23rd day. One was fine the other required help. I did ask a friend, and he has a single chick that is doing well. I feel bad for them too, but I think it will be fine.
  14. tslaven

    Help, not sure any of these eggs are going to hatch.

    I came home from work ready to throw out the eggs and there was a chick in the incubator! I flipped and called all of my family which confirmed for them that I am a crazy chicken lady. So exciting! One other egg had beak sticking out. After about 4 hours I helped that one out..afraid it was...
  15. tslaven

    Help, not sure any of these eggs are going to hatch.

    I am on day 23, I think and absolutely nothing. I'm convinced from what I read that I have had the humidity too high and have drowned the chicks. All are dark brown shells, so I can't see anything when I candled them. This is my first attempt at hatching, and very disappointing. I am ready...
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