Recent content by upstatePekin

  1. upstatePekin

    Pekin Duck Layed 3 Eggs??

    That is an interesting idea ! Pekins are notorious for 'not sitting' on their eggs, is this correct? ( if we were to breed, would this be a problem or?) I am seriously not very knowledgeable on the subject........ we would have to invest in an incubator? Let me know what you think on this
  2. upstatePekin

    Pekin Duck Layed 3 Eggs??

    just a little update, Marshmallow only gave us one egg this morning. Things are back to normal lol
  3. upstatePekin

    Pekin Duck Layed 3 Eggs??

    Yes, It's Eggciting! Marshmallow is as happy as can be so the three eggs cannot be anything bad.
  4. upstatePekin

    Pekin Duck Layed 3 Eggs??

    Hi, Absolutely no possibility, there was the one egg yesterday. We use hay, but it isn't an overwhelming amount in there. We only have the one duck, and we are in her area at the very least once a day. I realize it must be hard to believe such a situation, but there was only one yesterday...
  5. upstatePekin

    What does your duck house look like?

    Quote: What kind of ducks do you have? Hi, We are in upstate NY and I do worry about predators, there have been sitings of fox, ferral cats are 'normal' around here and there are these 'hawk like birds' that nest in the woods two blocks from me, and they have a daily habit of flying south...
  6. upstatePekin

    Pekin Duck Layed 3 Eggs??

    Hi Everyone, I went out this morning to change our Pekin Ducks water and food and found "3" eggs in her nest?? Is this a 'normal' situation to have three eggs layed in one morning. There was "1" egg yesterday morning. A little about her: Marshmallow is just shy of 10 months old. She is...
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