Recent content by Urucubaca

  1. Urucubaca

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    And today's not even hot. We also don't use F.
  2. Urucubaca

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    Ginger Roundhead (predominantly Lacy).
  3. Urucubaca

    Show Off Your Games!

    They're not Bankiva type are they?
  4. Urucubaca

    Show Off Your Games!

    From the other side of the world mate. Much bigger and different style of fighting.
  5. Urucubaca

    Show Off Your Games!

    And I hear some have a bit of Sumatra and Irish, hence why a lot have gypsy faces.
  6. Urucubaca

    Show Off Your Games!

    Any of you have experience with this type of gamecock?
  7. Urucubaca

    Show Off Your Games!

    The Sabong website will have endless amounts of information on American breeds. If you have any immediate questions, I'm sure someone (even myself) could have a crack at answering some questions via PM if you needed. :)
  8. Urucubaca

    Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

    I have sent a PM. Ask anything you want :)
  9. Urucubaca


    If a Malay isn't 'Game', then that should be a fault, and even a disqualification. It's a game breed, and even in Australia used in Naked Heel fights. They're known for endurance and heavy hitting when in the pit. People use the word 'aggressive' and 'game' incorrectly. They are different...
  10. Urucubaca

    Who has the best rooster

    I have seen a rooster give his food (insects) to his hens.
  11. Urucubaca

    How To Make A Hen Go Clucky?

    How do you guys make your hens go clucky? Do you just leave the eggs there and hope someone will sit on it? I have a bunch of eggs from my Aseels, but would prefer if a bantam sat on them. Should I just put the eggs in the pen with the bantams and just hope they sit on them?
  12. Urucubaca

    Who has the best rooster

    I'd just pick a game bird (not OEG). Fighting is what they're for, and thus would be most 'equipped' for the job, in comparison to any softfeather.
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