Recent content by Valhalla Acres

  1. Valhalla Acres

    Please Help! Weird yellow mush! (Gross Pics)

    Yes, and we did. It is just red and irritated skin
  2. Valhalla Acres

    Please Help! Weird yellow mush! (Gross Pics)

    She is the top hen in her flock and there aren't any roosters in her flock. We are hoping to get her to the vet Friday.
  3. Valhalla Acres

    Please Help! Weird yellow mush! (Gross Pics)

    Cool beans! Thank you all for your help!
  4. Valhalla Acres

    Please Help! Weird yellow mush! (Gross Pics)

    Wow, thank you so much @sylviethecochin! That's a lot of good information! We will most definitely take her to the vet as soon as possible! Should we wrap it or leave it to air out a little?
  5. Valhalla Acres

    Please Help! Weird yellow mush! (Gross Pics)

    We washed her with hot soapy water, iodine and then with a low dose antiseptic. She also got a Tylon shot. She is currently sitting in front of the fireplace. We have taken her to the vet for this same thing before, it was on her butt and he said that it would just heal and sluff off its self...
  6. Valhalla Acres

    Please Help! Weird yellow mush! (Gross Pics)

    Can anybody please identify what this is? Last year she had some problems with a build-up of scar tissue however the vet said it would just fall off (which it did and it healed nicely). This year she had the same problem so we assumed the same thing would happen and this is the outcome after...
  7. Valhalla Acres

    What should I expect with geese?

    We recently acquired a few buff American geese and they are by far the greatest birds ever! They will follow us around our farm and they are super friendly! I am falling in love with these geese however this is our first time with geese. We did not plan on getting geese, they were just given to...
  8. Valhalla Acres

    New Member

    Welcome to BYC! I hope you enjoy the friendly community!
  9. Valhalla Acres

    Easter Egger Laying?

    Usually, chickens begin laying eggs at around 6 months old. However, larger, heavier birds like Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks and Orpingtons will lay on the later side whereas lighter, smaller breeds like Leghorns, Stars, and Australorps will start laying sooner.
  10. Valhalla Acres

    What mistakes have you made with your flock?

    Hello everyone! I was just wondering what are some mistakes you have made with your flock or coop design? And how did this affect your future chicken raising tactics? One of my many mistakes: Our very first coop has the nesting box hanging off the coop. We used metal roofing material to cover...
  11. Valhalla Acres

    Gasping chicken

    We can bring her to the vets Monday and see what he thinks, thank you for the support
  12. Valhalla Acres

    What were your worst mistakes when you first started?

    Buying chickens from a show and putting them with the rest of the flock right away... worst vet bill EVER. Always separate new birds you buy from the rest of the flock until you are absolutely positive that they healthy.
  13. Valhalla Acres

    Gasping chicken

    Thank you for all the help, unfortunately, she did not make it.
  14. Valhalla Acres

    Gasping chicken

    What would yellow plaque mean? Cause we ran a cotton swab over her throat a while ago and yellowish paste was on the end of the cotton swab. We did it again a couple hours later but nothing was on the cotton swab
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