Recent content by Valthenya

  1. Valthenya

    Prolapsed vent

    Would this be good? I can get it delivered today.
  2. Valthenya

    Prolapsed vent

    Help. My Tilly has a prolapse vent and her flockmates pecked at her before I saw it. She's currently in an Epsom salt bath resting and I plan to gently push back in and apply hydrocortisone. Any other suggestions? I don't want to lose my sweet Tilly.
  3. Valthenya

    camera names?

    We names ours "$$LIVE CHICKS$$"
  4. Valthenya

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum

    So I'm wondering what the difference between a mild and moderate and severe symptoms and signs would be? I have chickens I caught with just a foamy eye and ones that had just a little sneeze all the way to the first girl who got sick who was gasping until the first dose of tylan and after that...
  5. Valthenya

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum

    We have what I am almost positive of is MG in my flock now. I have 5-7 1/2 month olds and and 3-4 month old babies. Four of my big girls are sick and in the house. Everyone is on tylosin in water from the vets instructions. We are trying to make the choice between culling and keeping a closed...
  6. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    YES!! i was actually basing some of my design on the information i found in those articles
  7. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    We also live in Phoenix where they only sleep inside the actual coop but I am building a open air coop so that they get more airflow and more space.
  8. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    Thats ka neat idea, things are finally starting to go a bit better. The babes are roosting with the big girls which is huge and they come out to eat. The girls dont chase and peck them as much
  9. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    The coop is temporary and they spend 95 percent of their time in the run. We are getting ready to build a newer coop.
  10. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    as long as they leave the coop i am hoping it will, i'm going to give them more time and just make sure they have water in the coop, and time with me in the run twice a day to be able to come out and eat
  11. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    I had a couple of small pieces of plywood so i leaned those up against the walls to try to help create some tunnels, i also found some small wood i put through the bars to create some more roosts in the run
  12. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    Here are a couple photos and a photo of the babies for fun. It's 100 today so the heat is on.
  13. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    No. They are chasing them into the corner of the run or into the coop. The run is the like 13x7 ft with the coop on the outside so it doesn't take up inside space.
  14. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    We do have a nice big covered run for everyone.
  15. Valthenya

    New pullets in the flock

    I can't free range unfortunately. We have a lot of hawks in the area and they would probably end up in my neighbor's yard lol. They do sleep in the same coop. I put the babies on the roost last night and I *think* they slept up there though I am not positive.
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