Recent content by Vamp-A-Billy Princess

  1. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    Help for pullet-Update, she Didnt make it.

    Sorry about your chickies. I've had quite a few die lately too. 8 pretty polish in a week. Boo. I never thought it might be a feed problem. Mine keep getting snotty too. They get over it a while then get snotty again. Good luck!
  2. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    Free ranging question

    Mine are doing surprisingly well with free ranging except they quit laying eggs. I dont know if they are eating something weird or what. I'd try keeping them locked up until they get a little older. Maybe wait a week or two, try again. Good luck!
  3. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    My chickens quit laying...

    I havent gotten one egg in like 2 months or more. I dont know what the deal is. Any suggestions. The phoenix are molting but none of the other ones seem to be. I should not have to go buy eggs all the time. I have a freakin chicken farm.
  4. Vamp-A-Billy Princess


    Well lets answer all that. Still in the divorce process. Must've accidentally missed changin that on My Space. The phoenix are good. Molting and lookin bald but good. I hatched several batches of chicks and tthey all died. Boo. None of my chickens have laid an egg in months so I dont know what...
  5. Vamp-A-Billy Princess


    I am finally back in the internet world. Just wanted to let y'all know I'm doin ok.
  6. Vamp-A-Billy Princess


    Someone let me know where the roo is. I am wondering when I will recieve the mascot and I have been off here so long I'm confused. I didnt know there were new ones. That's cool though cause now I'm higher on a list!
  7. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    I'm still alive...miss you all

    I miss you guys so much. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm thinking of them. I go to court for the divorce again next week....blah. Can't wait til this mess is overwith. Love you all! Vamp
  8. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    Setting new ones today

    I am setting eggs laid by my own birds. Phoenix and my mixed silkie and I have a couple from my black cochin but she just started laying so I dont expect much out of them. I miss all my hatching buddies!!!!!!!!!!!! Love y'all
  9. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    Chicken acting wierd.

    She just stands there with her feathers fluffed out and her wings partially opened. I dont know what that means! She's been doin it for like two days. Advice anyone?
  10. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    divorce stuff, but I am hangiJust checkin in to let y'all know I'm ok

    I am still dealing with all sorts of awful divorce stuff. Keep the good vibes coming. I need em,. Love you all!!! Hatched a new chick today from the pair I got from Chickencop at the swap meet. Hopefully some mille fleurs will hatch too. I keep hatching eggs to keep my sanity. LOL.
  11. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    Need to replenish my flock in INDIANA silkies,cochin,polish

    I wa stotally wiped out by the gnat plague and I am looking to replenish my flock. I lost all my cochins, all my frizzles, and all my silkies. I am also looking for polish and sultans. I have been trying to hatch eggs but with the weather and the post office I am not having much luck. I would be...
  12. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    pure araucan bantams in ky

    HOw far is that from Bedfor d I ndiana? I know my mom would be all over them. Can you put up some pics
  13. Vamp-A-Billy Princess


    Okay I'll get on my judging ASAP. Sorry I'm a little out of sorts. I had to give my son back to my exhusband for the weekend so mind isnt running very clearly so bear with me.
  14. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    The BYC Crazy Egg Chain- Please Read Pg 181 Post #1808

    I think I have enough of your polish eggs heading my way that I dont need to bid on anymore. LOL. When are you sending those by the way?
  15. Vamp-A-Billy Princess

    The BYC Crazy Egg Chain- Please Read Pg 181 Post #1808

    I am sending out more eggs today. All my sultan eggs were clear and the silkie eggs have maybe three that are ok. Apparently the post office lost my turkens. Boo. Anyway hope everyone is haveing happy hatching. Love you all and miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annie
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