Recent content by Varabtbb

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    Rooster sitting on eggs?

    Thank you @Yardmom
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    Rooster sitting on eggs?

    Thank you @SilverBirds
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    Rooster sitting on eggs?

    Thank you @Evadig
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    Rooster sitting on eggs?

    Thank you @LaFleche
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    Rooster sitting on eggs?

    I have 23 week old chickens. 4 hens and 1 rooster I believe. The last few days I noticed him sitting on eggs before we collect them. Why would he do that? Also he hasn’t crowed yet. Is that normal? I thought he was a girl but as they grew, he started to get a bigger waddle and comb than the...
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    New chicken peeps!

    @DobieLover thank you for your feedback. I appreciate the tips!
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    Can you tell me what breed these are?

    Thank you for your feedback!
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    Can you tell me what breed these are?

    Yes a backyard breeder. Thank you for your input
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    Can you tell me what breed these are?

    Hi. We have 5 chickens and I am just wondering if you can tell already at 7 weeks old what breeds these are and if they are all females like they said they were? Thank you!!
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    New chicken peeps!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes!!! They are 7 weeks old now. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 5 (3) What breeds do you have? We’re not really sure. (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? Watching my kids and the...
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    Fodder growing questions

    Thank you for your reply. I will try these
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    Fodder growing questions

    Thank you for the tips
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    Fodder growing questions

    Hey there! I’m new to growing fodder and having chickens also. Our chickens are 5 weeks old and I live in Florida where the average temp outside right now is about 80 degrees. I started growing organic wheat fodder about 5 days ago. I soaked the seeds overnight for almost 18 hours, rinsed...
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