Recent content by VHoff

  1. VH0_8174


  2. VH0_8325


  3. VH0_8348


  4. VH0_8222


  5. VH0_8201


  6. VH0_8160


  7. VH0_8115


  8. VH0_8021


  9. VH0_8062


  10. The Gang

    The Gang

    A sunny day in January made for a happy flock
  11. VHoff

    Timing for starting a flock

    Oh, wow, I had no idea! Thanks for the clarification.
  12. VHoff

    Timing for starting a flock

    What does that actually mean? I'm not familiar with the term in this context.
  13. VHoff

    Broody vs Egg Bound- How do you know?

    Thank you! I think parenting is difficult work for human children and animal "children" alike-- hard love is always going to be difficult to mete out, but one hopes for happy and healthy children in the end who may (or may not) appreciate your efforts.
  14. VHoff

    Broody vs Egg Bound- How do you know?

    I appreciate the full range of suggestions with the understanding that there may be different approaches and different experiences for everyone. I also don't take much as absolute-- rather, I try to synthesize what others say and adapt it to my circumstances using my common sense and instinct...
  15. VHoff

    Broody vs Egg Bound- How do you know?

    Good to know about the hen/chick bonding period. Marans are supposed to be very good mothers, but I don't know how the bonding issue might affect that. Yeah, I'm OK with processing adult chickens that will also end up as dinner, but I think I'm too much of a wuss to kill chicks myself. If I...
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