Recent content by Victoria-nola

  1. Victoria-nola

    How to convert metal frame run to open-air coop?

    This is Victoria-nola, who built the hoop coop you mention. Yes, it was expensive, estimated $1,000 for the roughly 24x12x12+H, but it is still standing quite a few years later and completely secure.You've written a lot of descriptive text and right now I'm not able to take it all in, but I'm...
  2. Victoria-nola

    Literally got my butt beat by a guinea today

    Thank you for your interest. I would love to read stories about hand-raised keets. I've been close-up to quite a number of keets now after doing several incubator hatchings. I've never experienced a keet before who got CALMER in my hands. Who was not the least bit skittish. It allowed me to see...
  3. Victoria-nola

    Literally got my butt beat by a guinea today

    You remember! Before I ever combined the new keets (that were hatched from eggs I bought on ebay-- 7 total hatched out of about 48-- a real disaster), we decided it was time to sell our place and move on. So rather than release those 7 to free-range, we rehomed them as a group last fall to some...
  4. Victoria-nola

    Literally got my butt beat by a guinea today

    We will probably homestead but we're going to rent until we get familiar with the microclimates and options over there. Big Island. That's the part that I am struggling with so badly-- we can't catch the guineas we have because they rejected our huge airy coop and roost in trees. So we are...
  5. Victoria-nola

    3 legged guinea

    I'm sorry, but it's probably for the best. Almost certainly, there were 2 embryos and the second one was incompletely absorbed by the one who hatched. Absorption of twins is a real thing, it happens in humans too. In this case, the incomplete absorption probably meant there was a lot more...
  6. Victoria-nola

    3 legged guinea

    wow. I would work with the avian vet's advice. I personally know what it means to have part of one's self chopped off because it is deemed socially unacceptable (I'll just leave it at that), but in this case it really could determine life or death for this bird if the residual leg continues to...
  7. Victoria-nola

    I'm so sorry I never saw this until just now. I drove up to Oklahoma to have my rooster done...

    I'm so sorry I never saw this until just now. I drove up to Oklahoma to have my rooster done. The vet there is not doing that anymore. I don't think you have a lot of options. I'm so sorry, I know what it means to be attached to a rooster.
  8. Victoria-nola

    Literally got my butt beat by a guinea today

    I got myself a fishing net with an extendable handle and a largish net opening on Amazon for under $30. That made it possible for me to catch guineas on occasion. If you're in an enclosed space and can close the doors, like inside a coop, it's very possible to catch. Never had much luck out in...
  9. Victoria-nola

    When can you tell if you have any roo's?

    Female chicks will also bump chests and "practice battle". It's a myth that females don't exhibit that behavior. They are all growing, and learning to use their bodies as they develop is common to all. I don't believe that behaviors are accurate, I've been wrong too many times. You only can be...
  10. Victoria-nola

    When can you tell if you have any roo's?

    I've kept chickens for 12 years or so now, and recently ordered 10 pullets and 1 turned out to be a roo. The company said, there is only 90% accuracy in the all-pullet order, and that was true in our case. You've gotten plenty of advice here, but I want to add something else. A couple of the...
  11. Victoria-nola

    Aggressive rooster and small children, really need some answers asap

    I haven't read all the replies, but my experience is that if a rooster is attacking like he is, nothing is going to change his behavior, and I strongly recommend getting rid of him asap. I've been through it, trying to rehabilitate a rooster, and I didn't want to believe the people who told me...
  12. Victoria-nola

    Modified Hoop Coop Design Development

    Ok cool! Thanks for sharing with me. I still intend to take and post photos of the coop refurbishment we did. Talk laters.
  13. Victoria-nola

    Modified Hoop Coop Design Development

    It's complicated. I guess I'm going to have to just take it a step at a time and all will be revealed. For sure, the adult guineas have shown keen interest in the new keets. When you use the electric net as a temporary run, do you cover the whole thing with the net so they can't fly out?
  14. Victoria-nola

    Modified Hoop Coop Design Development

    Yeah, those metal panel would be an end to the tarp issue. How many keets do you have in the coop currently? That's so cool they are coming back. Do you have adults living in it too? I'm thinking about when I do let the keets out, there will be the group of adults and keets who live outdoors...
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