Recent content by Vosify

  1. Vosify

    Red Golden Pheasant Hen With Yellow Crown?

    I know this is an old thread! But wanted to update! I still have this hen, but she lost the yellow in her 2nd year. She has also produced many healthy chicks for us! Kept the last 3 hens from her and working on finding a new male for them. None of her daughters ended up with any yellow at all...
  2. Vosify

    Looking for ideas for winterizing coop

    Your doing it right :D wish our winters were like that! We go WAY below freezing. With snowbanks over night that go over our vehicles. Though the chickens don't seem to care. Since they will still go outside.
  3. Vosify

    Looking for ideas for winterizing coop

    For me as long as the coop is wind/breeze proof. But has ventilation they should be fine. I'm in canada with nasty cold weather. And my chickens do just fine. The run does get tarped so the snow drifts stay out. As for heat lamps. I never use one. I find the humidity gets to high in the coop...
  4. Vosify

    housing a mini potbelly pig in my chicken run?

    Our pot belly (a true 'mini' pig who are actually still pretty hefty) did fine with our chickens. Granted they all ran loose together, but where never locked together. But Bella is now back in the house. But yes they are very social. It just so happens our girl was raised in the house before...
  5. Vosify

    Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

    Granted I only have 2 hens. I do have RG Pheasants. All my runs get tarped. And use zip ties to keep them in place. This keeps the wind and snow drifts out (I also live in the canadian plains and wind is always howling) I never supply any of my birds with heat. And I water twice a day. All...
  6. Vosify

    RG Pheasant Broke Her Leg

    It healed great! Can hardly tell it was broke. She's out with the other girls now with no problems.
  7. Vosify

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2014

    Wish this could include red golden pheasants. My boy was so ugly during moulting. I had a child say "it looks like a dinasaour!"
  8. Vosify

    RG Pheasant Broke Her Leg

    Thank you! Also she won't be going in with anyone until probably late October when my new male comes. Her brothers are off to their new homes this coming month. So she will have plenty of time to heal. Or is that not enough time? As for the break. There is very little movement, just enough to...
  9. Vosify

    RG Pheasant Broke Her Leg

    Not sure how it happened. She's young, and in with her two brothers. Could they have fought? Their only about 4 months. No noticeable wound she's just laying around an wouldn't use her leg. Feels like it's broke right before her knee? Joint. What I've already done. - Put a splint on (which...
  10. Vosify

    Silver laced Cochin Bantams

    Ill get a better picture once I have their new coop set up. Both birds parents are suppose to be brought over from the states. And he does have super feathery feet. The man I got them from is the only breeder I could find in Sask. He does lots of different breeds, but since I'm so new to this...
  11. Vosify

    Silver laced Cochin Bantams

    I was told this boy is a Silver Tipped Cochin Bantam. Is that right? And is that even the same as a SL? New to breeding and haven't quite figured out the breed I should stick to yet. He's young here, he's now about a year and a half and just became a father yesterday. It's still cold here so...
  12. Vosify

    First ever hatch... Can't wait.

    Congrats! Yeah my five all hatched. But this morning when I found the last three hatched, one still had a yolk sac and looks like it's pulled some of his intestines out? The poor thing is stil alive I'm not sure what to do for him!
  13. Vosify

    First ever hatch... Can't wait.

    Only 3 (my hen went broody before I got more in) they are alive and chirping just haven't done much in 3 hours. My first time hatching too so I keep checking them but not opening the incubator.
  14. Vosify

    First ever hatch... Can't wait.

    Mine all pipped today! 2 days early. but only 2 so far. They may not be early I grabbed them Late, and even though the hen wasn't on them at the time doesn't mean she didn't start them while I was gone. Then my hen went broody 3 days ago and has 10 eggs from herself and my other hen.
  15. Vosify

    Canadians check in here....

    I just started in backyard chickens (but w As raised with them as food not pets) my two Silver tipped Cochins are amazing pets! Though my hen is going broody and is a little less friendly. My other hen is a bantam cross and she's already stolen all the eggs for her nest (their split now while...
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