Recent content by Welllaidacres

  1. Welllaidacres

    Leghorn Rooster x various breeds

    I have a leghorn rooster. My hen flock is leghorns, isa browns, barred rocks, whiting true blues and whiting true greens, a few australorps, a few Rhode Island reds and some Easter egger. I know very little about egg genetics. I’ve tried researching this but either find something that’s in...
  2. Welllaidacres

    Sportsman Series Chicken Plucker

    Looks like the same exact model as my yardbird plucker. Just wanted to share in case that could help you in the future if you need parts or other information. I like mine so far. Only used a it couple of times on cull birds not fit to sell but fit enough to eat. The bolt that secures the...
  3. Welllaidacres

    Anyone raise meatbirds (red ranger or cornish x) in a stationary set up?

    I raise cornish cross in my barn on pine shavings. I've raised about 4,000 of them in the last 3 years. Start with 3-4" of bedding material. Remove soiled bedding and replace as needed. 2.25 sq ft per bird works well for me. Feeders and waterer areas are first to be soiled. Heat source...
  4. Welllaidacres

    Difference in $ male and female Cornish X

    Depending on if you're just raising for yourself or selling to others having one gender is also nice for consistent sizing if selling.
  5. Welllaidacres


    Any one here have some pullets or hens looking for a new home? I need to expand my egg flock. Looking for good layer breeds or backyard mutts.
  6. Welllaidacres


    Any one here have some pullets or hens looking for a new home? I need to expand my egg flock. Looking for good layer breeds or backyard mutts.
  7. Welllaidacres

    Meat Bird Pricing

    East Central IL Here. Over an Hour from any worthwhile farmers market. We sell our Wholes for 3.15/lb, Cut-ups for 3.40 (One whole bird precut on a tray), Boneless skinless breasts $6, Thighs and Wings for $4, and legs for 3.50. Ground Chicken is 7.50. Thats our on farm price. We seasonal...
  8. Welllaidacres

    Permanent Pasture/Chicken Run Sizing (Want to keep it green)

    Fair enough. I get ticked off by a lot of them too, but this one at least has some teeth to it. Better than most!
  9. Welllaidacres

    Permanent Pasture/Chicken Run Sizing (Want to keep it green)

    Fully understand the 10’ is for behavioral reasons. As stated chicken math happened and that’s how I got down to 10’. Won’t be going any lower. I understand it’s marketing buzz words, but have you looked into certified humanes requirements for their labels (not usda label requirements)? There...
  10. Welllaidacres

    Permanent Pasture/Chicken Run Sizing (Want to keep it green)

    thanks for the reply! Do you know where you saw that number? I found today that certified humane requires 108 sq ft per bird for their pasture raised label. I wasn’t able to tell if that involved rotation on contiuoisbgrazing. Looks like I’ll have to keep digging.
  11. Welllaidacres

    Permanent Pasture/Chicken Run Sizing (Want to keep it green)

    I am luckily enough to have access to a free bag of alfalfa, red clover, alsike clover, timothy grass, and orchard grass mix. A friend of mine does custom seed blending and this batch was an oops for a farmer (Grass seed wasn't supposed to be there, but hired man messed up blending). Bad day...
  12. Welllaidacres

    Requirements for selling butchered chickens at home?

    In my state of Illinois, to harvest and sell my own birds, I would have to have a poultry producers exemption from the state bureau of meat and poultry inspection. The limit here on that is 5,000 birds annually and they must spend their entire lives on your farm. They can only be processed on...
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