Recent content by whatsthequestion

  1. W

    Bitter yolks?

    I have a bantam that has bitter yolks (tastes like bile). She eats the same diet as the rest of the flock. The eggs have hard shells and are clean. They didnt always taste this way. I can't eat her eggs. They make me feel nauseated. I have wondered if there is a grass or bug she is eating that...
  2. W

    Egg Sales Have Gone Flat

    I'm thinking about changing the way I sell them. I also sell baked goods & jams so I'm thinking about offering "the weekend breakfast" which would be eggs and a baked good like fresh bread, muffins, scones, jams, etc. for one price. We'll see how it goes. I'm not done yet. Lol
  3. W

    Egg Sales Have Gone Flat

    This is a good idea. ❤️
  4. W

    Egg Sales Have Gone Flat

    This isn't intended to be a crying session. I am sincerely looking to see if this is local or if other people are experiencing a similar trend. I have to make a decision regarding my flock and am trying to take a thoughtful approach. Have other people's egg sales decreased dramatically? Before...
  5. W

    Multiple hens laying in broody chicken nests

    Everything went well, however, I did have to make some adjustments. First, yes, chicks can come through the crate bars, and you will need cardboard or something around the bottom parameter to keep them in. The indoor brooder, that I made from a dog crate, has hardware cloth around the sides...
  6. W

    What is this bug?

    I was lifting a pullet onto the roost and noticed this bug on me afterwards. I think it's a louse. I can't seem to squash it. I have video of it if you need it. It was still squirming on the tape. If so then treat the coop and birds with pyrethrin, yes?
  7. W

    Chickens that rarely lay?

    I have a Light Columbian Brahma that is a minimal egg layer. She's a beautiful large breed and has been a really sweet addition to my flock. I'd have a couple more like her.
  8. W

    Possible Large Gap in Hatchings

    I really appreciated your advice. It was very helpful. We made a better separate brooding area that the hens can use next time. It did take an additional 10 days for all the eggs to hatch. 🤦‍♀️ My hen dealt with it like a pro but I wouldn't want to allow that to happen again. She got fairly...
  9. W

    Integration and Logistics Questions

    I really appreciated your advice! It helped! This was my brooding pen system in the coop we settled on. I started letting one hen at a time out with chicks, then two. Within a week all three were able to be out all the time and integration into the flock went smoothly. After having a better idea...
  10. W

    Integration and Logistics Questions

    My chicks range in age from almost 2 weeks to 4/5 days old with my Barred Rock. They are a mixed variety from the flock except two Lavender Orpington chicks (They were eggs from my brothers flock after their coop was attacked, which is why they hatched earlier.). I have two other hens with a...
  11. W

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Coop Smelling Fresh?

    •Linoleum on my poop boards •Clean and mop them & roosts daily with an animal safe disinfect/deodorizer •Scoop up visible poo on floor •Keep nesting boxes clean with fresh bedding as needed. •Dusting of PDZ weekly •I compost the chicken manure & pine chips when I change them out. •Adequate...
  12. W

    Possible Large Gap in Hatchings

    Thank you! I opened her brooder this afternoon while working in the coop. It was really warm. She ran the hens out, darted outside for a quick bathroom trip, and ran back in. I think I am overthinking this. 🤦‍♀️ Happy note, I did see signs of more chicks starting to peck out!
  13. W

    Possible Large Gap in Hatchings

    My hen had a chick hatch two days ago. The mom hasn't been out of the brooder for almost 72 hours. The eggs still under her appear viable but a bit behind this chick. I had multiple hens laying in this nest while I was away. It is possible they could be up to 10 days behind this chick. I marked...
  14. W

    Multiple hens laying in broody chicken nests

    Thank you! We put linoleum on the poop boards, lol. I give them a quick scrapedown and mopping daily. I use an old Rubbermaid container to scrape the poop into. I do the same with the roosts. It has made it so much faster and easier and the coop stays cleaner, and fresher smelling. The bedding...
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