Recent content by willheveland

  1. Our Brooder

    Our Brooder

    Our Brooder We start with day old chicks from Hatcherys,then raise them in our brooders. The first 2 days I start them on newspaper until they know what their food looks like. Our Chick Handlers Most often my chick handlers pick favorites Here is a mixed batch of BR,BA,RR,WR,BO Once...
  2. Meatbirds


    Meatbirds Although we raise chickens for eggs for our familys use,meatbirds are our specialty. We perfer the Cornish-X because of the rapid growth,large breasts and their quality meat. A Cornish-X can be raised from hatch in as little as 6 weeks depending on the size that fits your needs...
  3. Our Backyard

    Our Backyard

    Welcome to our Backyard Chickens page The Heveland Gang We are The Hevelands My youngest daughter makes the press 12/10/09 Newspaper clipping reads: Full of Christmas spirit, Hannah Heveland wanted to give a gift from...
  4. Hevelands Henhouse

    Hevelands Henhouse

    Our Hen House Inside Our Layers The owners of Hevelands Henhouse The perks of a Backyard flock Have you ever wondered "What came first the chicken or the egg?" Look it up in the good book --- Genesis 1:10-20 According to the bible, the chicken came first: "And the evening...
  5. willheveland

    My scrapwood tractor.

    Quote: I always wanted to find an old trapoline and one of those big old dishes like people used before Direct Tv, Dish network and Primestar went with the smaller ones. Will
  6. willheveland

    best brand of chicken feed?

    Quote: They sure will. If you put it in front of them they will eat it. Anytime you switch something in their diet could cause and interuption. But after awhile they will get use to it.
  7. willheveland

    Cock or Hen

    Lucky Fella" he is . Look at the end of their feathers, Hens will be rounded where a Cock will be pointed.
  8. willheveland

    Mash vs crumbles?

    I feed crumbles when I first start them as chicks. Then after that I put them on mash. For me, where I am mash is about half the price. They waste some with the mash but the cost savings are still so great you can't compare. 50# of mash $7+/ 50# of crumbles or pellets $12-15. Will
  9. willheveland

    Too small to winter in?

    I would cover all but the front in heavy plastic, face it toward south east and fill the bottom with raked up dry leaves. Keep a few bags over winter to add as needed or if it gets wet. Throw a few handfuls of scratch on the leaves each day and they will scratch up the leaves(good exercise)...
  10. willheveland

    good by BYC

    Yeah, stick around just because your taking a break doesn't mean you can't learn more or help others with what your experience has been. Just stay with the social part of it for a while. We sure would love to keep you. Will
  11. willheveland

    Raising meat birds over the winter

    I think the birds would put more energy into keeping warm than they would in meat production. Will
  12. willheveland

    best time of year to get chicks?

    Either way wintertime always seems like your feeding costs are more than what your getting back. I think that in my area the fall is the best time to get chicks. This way your 16week+/- waiting period is done over a time that your egg production will be slower anyways. I use to get mine in the...
  13. willheveland

    Is it worth the work to butcher your own chickens?

    I've always used a processor. In my area they get between $1.65-$2. per bird depending on what you want. I've always said for that, I couldn't keep the water hot. These people have all the equipment and can do 25-50 birds in a couple hours. It would take us a good part of a day. Then I couldn't...
  14. willheveland

    rooster attacking sibling roo

    You really can't stop roosters from fighting. It's really in their make-up. They are here to be dominant and breed all the hens they can. That's how mother nature made them. I know people think man made them or taught them to fight but that's so wrong. They were like that long before we...
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