


At Willow Tree Farm we have many humans small medium and large, a rescued Boston terrier, a deaf shepherd mix of unknown superior age, two blue heeler puppies, numerous small furry animals, The Barn Cats, 4 horses with one on the way in April... and chooks!!! Barnevelders, Black Copper Marans, a Wheaten Marans, a Blue Araucana, EEs and an OE!




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    Anniversary: 1 Year

    Wow, it's been a year already!?! CONGRATS!!
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    Messages: 50

    50 messages posted. You must like it here!
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    Messages: 10

    10 messages posted. You're getting use to things around here!
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    Anniversary: 1 Month

    You have been a member of BYC for one month, we hope you've been enjoying it here!
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    Anniversary: 1 Week

    Congrats on your first week as a member of our community!
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    Messages: 1st

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
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    Started 1st Thread

    You created a thread in our community, good job!
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