Recent content by WriterofWords

  1. WriterofWords

    Can you feed you chickens cilantro?

    Thank you. I had menudo and posole this past weekend,,, just can't beat it!
  2. WriterofWords

    Your most embarassing moment.....

    I can empathize with you lol.. When I was 20 and married to a youth pastor we did a parody of The Price is Right. When they called Wicked Wanda to Come on Down! I was supposed to run down the aisle waving my arms, screaming, just like on the game show. I got up to run, the hem of my skirt was...
  3. WriterofWords

    Blue Rooster, The Fainting Roo, R.I.P.

    I posted the link in the thread for his story,, one of them anyway!
  4. WriterofWords

    Blue Rooster, The Fainting Roo, R.I.P.

    Blues story:
  5. WriterofWords

    Blue Rooster, The Fainting Roo, R.I.P.

    He was such a gentleman, now this poor hen needs a roo and she doesn't like my 2 Frizzle boys,,,, one of whom needs a new flock elsewhere,,,,
  6. WriterofWords

    Blue Rooster, The Fainting Roo, R.I.P.

    He was special, I will miss him. I used to take him to my class so the kids in this area could meet a friendly rooster and see why cock fighting is so awful.
  7. WriterofWords

    Blue Rooster, The Fainting Roo, R.I.P.

    For those who knew Blue and the story about him and Nugget, the skunk and Blue fainting, I wanted to let you know that Blue passed on to the big coop in the sky yesterday. He is the last of my originals from 2007, so he wasn't a young roo. He had a new girl friend, a gorgeous Barred Rock who had...
  8. WriterofWords

    Tea for chickens?

    Blue Rooster is 7 and has been having his tea since 2009 when I'm there to give it to him. It has never adversely affected any of the hens or roosters. They have so many water containers to choose from if they don't like tea they don't have to drink it.
  9. WriterofWords

    Condo Ducks and Geese, City People!

    I know some of my friends on here know I made a move this year to Ruidoso, NM. I took a year off from teaching while my son was in Afghanistan my dad was having health issues and a few other major life events were affecting me. So when I decided to go back to the classroom I accepted a position...
  10. WriterofWords

    Skunk beat up by Rooster! Other rooster faints! Nugget meets ice.....

    Blue may not be the bravest on the place but he IS the most lovable!
  11. WriterofWords

    Skunk beat up by Rooster! Other rooster faints! Nugget meets ice.....

    Blue is still a happy go lucky rooster,, but he's starting to age on me. He takes it easy a lot, and now it's kittens that sneak up and play with his tail feathers at times.
  12. WriterofWords

    Any fellow Geocachers?

    It's Geocaching, treasure hunting with a GPS or smart phone. Go to and check it out, it's great family fun and a blast on vacations.
  13. WriterofWords

    Any fellow Geocachers?

    I was going through all the replies and since I made the original post we now have "smart" phones we can use for Caching, but they don't work where the signal is bad or non-existant. I still love my Magellan, but had to upgrade to a newer one, my old one didn't work with the newer computer link...
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