Recent content by XHippieChickX

  1. XHippieChickX

    Xhippiechickxs Member Page

    My Blog Well, I am only 10 years old, and I LOVE poultry. You can thank my teacher for that. She had 10 eggs, some were given to her and some she bought. We candled them and everything, learning about the stages, anything that we could learn about those chicks being sucked in to our brains...
  2. XHippieChickX

    My husband said what???

    We will get you a new one..LOL I would have slapped him in the face...HOW CAN SOMEONE SAY THAT??? But it's good your old girl didn't harm it
  3. XHippieChickX

    Which ones should i get?

    I would get a Leghorn, but that's just me. Sorry, I'm not helping you at all by saing "...but that's just me." LOL
  4. XHippieChickX

    Feed store just called - my pullets arrive after lunch tomorrow!!!!

    Good luck! My class hatched some, that's what got me into it. They were so adorable, we would never get work done when we had the chance to sit next to the chicks' brooding box, cuz we would just gawk at them lol!
  5. XHippieChickX

    My ChicKs Life (pics)

    Quote: I agree!!! IKR!
  6. XHippieChickX


    It feels like Christmas! We have finally found some chicks! The dude ( I just call it a dude, 'cause I wasn't the one on the phone) said they were black/grey so I'm praying that it's an Australop, 'cause Dude didn't say which breed...but I saw some pics, they're A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! Im so excited !
  7. XHippieChickX

    Need Advice for Deformed Chick.

    OMG, bless him and you...poor thing
  8. XHippieChickX

    REMINDER to parents of young ones...

    Don't worry everyone, I am a young girl watching appropriate T.V shows. Yup, Noggin/Nick Jr. is what I watch when I watch T.V. LOL I don't really like watching T.V, but I do like Little Bill, Ni-Hao Kai-lan, and Pinky Dinky Doo. Oh, I love that show! Down, Down turn around, having fun is what...
  9. XHippieChickX

    Help!! I was told rid of my hens!

    OMG, this is so stupid. A permit? For raising CHICKENS? Ok, this is...I am devastated. Ugh, stupid chicken laws.
  10. XHippieChickX

    A bit of an emergency for the Two Old Fools

    Ooh, I can see the page now! YAY! Kitties are so cute!
  11. XHippieChickX

    A bit of an emergency for the Two Old Fools

    Awww! Spanish Mummy Cat is gorgeous, and the kittens are adorable!
  12. XHippieChickX

    REMINDER to parents of young ones...

    All these people with young kids on Facebook, I find it ok as long as they don't (which EVERYONE in my grade does) A)Friend people they don't know because "he's so cute!" I'm serious, a girl in my class said this. B) Say their EXACT Street Adress, and Cell number. I see it on everyone's page...
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