
I grew up with chickens, ducks, muscovies, geese, peafowl, turkeys, guineas and occasional pheasants (along with various non poultry species) in Northern California. After going off to school in the SF Bay Area to play in math and science, I stayed here and became a researcher. My husband and I eventually started a family of cats, quail, and one kid. Since my son is in school I now work at the elementary school part time.

Over the years I’ve had most of the above poultry species through my incubators (except turkey and guinea). These days we keep it simple with coturnix quail and a few chickens. And a variety of meat birds (short term residents).

I was raised that — and still subscribe to — every creature has a job to do. Some are companions. Some provide food. All are important, especially meat animals. And our job is to give them the best life possible. So we name our meat birds. We cuddle them (yes cuddle!) and give them special treats. I even sing them lullabies in the brooder. And at the end we thank them for what they give us and give them the most respectful send-off possible.
SF Bay Area
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Information about raising quail


chicken math + quail calculus = chaos theory.


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