Recent content by xXStringbeanXx

  1. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    So I got my six mystery hens on Sunday. I’m guessing buff Silkie, barred rock, three Easter eggers and a buff orp? I’m stoked about this picture because this is their first time allowed outside in at least 6 months, so they are getting to do their chicken thing. They lead me to some new...
  2. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Just some sex link male for .50 a piece to replace some of the Lost meat bird chicks and two more buff Brahmas to bring me back to four. I didn’t go over what we initially planned to order by adding these guys, if you don’t count the 6 adult hens we will be ‘rescuing’ today. I promised to stop...
  3. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Well I left with only 8 more chicks so I did pretty good.
  4. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I’m hosting a self control seminar. I’m going without the voice of reason to a chicken swap...
  5. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Yeah, it was chaotic but could have been much much worse. I’m hoping that when I get into work the hospital in Superior has reopened so we can start getting patients back where they belong and can stop doing emergency meds for patients. I’m just glad no lives were lost and people are being able...
  6. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Ralphie, I think you secretly have a soft spot for your dumb roosters. On another note, I may be up to three coops, 6 adult laying hens, 14 one month old chicks, 9 one week old chicks, and two week old turkeys by the end of the weekend... I started a month ago with one existing coop on the...
  7. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    The roaches range from like a Pill Bug size up to your standard large cockroach. They can’t fly or climb smooth surfaces, so that’s the one reason (well and long metal tongs) I can stand them around.
  8. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    thanks for the tips on feed, never even crossed my mind to mix a feed in or try bugs. I breed Dubia roaches for my bearded dragons so that’s an easy enrichment to do for all my fowl.
  9. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Thank you! I’ll keep on searching. The turkey and gamebord I have been finding has only been like 22%, only 2% higher than the chick starter I have been using for chicks.
  10. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    You turkey people, and what percentage protein do you feed your little guys? I have read the first few weeks should be 28%!?!?
  11. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Whoops! Bought a pair of turkey poults today...
  12. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I saw your post on there, but if we took in a roo it would be freezer camp for him at our place. Best of luck!
  13. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Got the new chicks today. They are like jumbo cotton balls on toothpicks. All 20 (1 packing peanut) are doing very good although they have pink/red stains on them. Is there such thing as like chicken angel wing? And just because this guy was so cute and snuggly.
  14. xXStringbeanXx

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Sorry, I have been that distracted by watching my chicks I haven’t checked here lately. They just got moved out to the coop and boy, they are loving the extra space. Now I have an open bathroom to get re-covered in dust when the (almost a month late) chicks arrive...and for any I collect from...
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