Recent content by yardn_gardn

  1. yardn_gardn

    What are you adding to your flock this year?

    Now that's my kind of chicken math!
  2. yardn_gardn

    Failure to thrive 3 day old chicks

    I am sorry to post late, but I am wondering how your two chicks are doing, number five and number eight. I have just purchased 10 meat bird chicks and I’m experiencing something similar with them on my day three. There are two of them that just don’t seem to be as interested in the food as the...
  3. yardn_gardn

    Feeding Dual Purpose Breeds for the Freezer

    Thank you all for your timely advice. Harvest time is coming soon.
  4. yardn_gardn

    Feeding Dual Purpose Breeds for the Freezer

    Now that the hatch and the teenager stage is over, it is time to separate the roosters. Their breeds are New Hampshire Reds, Ameraucana, and Welsummer. While those breeds might not all be considered dual purpose breeds, they are for me. Fortunately only six out of the eighteen ended up being...
  5. yardn_gardn


    Welcome to the fun and informative place of BYC.
  6. yardn_gardn

    Brody hen has left eggs

    I’m so sorry the hen left. Perhaps someone would loan you an incubator.
  7. yardn_gardn

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    I have this incubator and really like it. This isn’t a definitive answer. But I wonder if you could use something like bubble wrap to help insulate the incubator a bit more? Maybe just around the edges leaving the top and bottom clear for air circulation.
  8. yardn_gardn

    Still no chicks

    Just hang in there. Last year my chicks started pipping and hatching about a day early. It’s the same incubator and about the same room temperature. I could even hear them chirping a day earlier. This year it’s exactly on day 21. And that’s today!
  9. yardn_gardn

    How do you like cooking your eggs?

    Fried over easy in a small dab of real butter is an easy morning go to for me.
  10. yardn_gardn

    No Eggs !!!!

    I was feeding a mix from a fellow in a neighboring town and wasn’t getting any eggs until I switched to a purposefully blended feed for layers. The chicks were born toward the end of May. They were getting a few hours of free ranging every day also. My Welsummers, and New Hampshire Reds didn’t...
  11. yardn_gardn

    Turns out I love them more than I thought!

    I’m sorry for your losses also. My dog killed one of my pullets earlier this year. It’s a learning curve for sure. It’s good to know that Ghost is doing better. Please keep us posted on how it’s going.
  12. yardn_gardn

    Waterer Ideas Please for My First Winter with Chickens in Idaho

    Thank you blackdog for the clear directions and great pictures too. I’ll use your idea about the grommets but might try some left over pond liner I have to act as a dirt barrier around the cord. Thank you snick4zoo for the heated dog bowl idea. I have one and will use it if I need it. It...
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