Recent content by Yazzo

  1. Yazzo

    Tamers Toes - Bumblefoot, Gout, Swollen, or Something Else? **PICS INCLUDED**

    Well, since I didn't get any feedback on the Ulcer Aid Rx (guessing no one has tried it for bumblefoot), and I don't want to experiment too much right now, I ordered some Tricide from Koiacres, and it arrived pretty quickly. After reading through this thread on bumblefoot, I decided to also...
  2. Yazzo

    Tamers Toes - Bumblefoot, Gout, Swollen, or Something Else? **PICS INCLUDED**

    So sorry I haven't updated this thread in forever! Turns out the Tricide Neo I ordered from KoiDepot never came. After not getting a reply when I asked why I hadn't received it, I opened up a Paypal claim about it, and got a reply pretty quickly. The explanation I got for that was that it was...
  3. Yazzo

    Tamers Toes - Bumblefoot, Gout, Swollen, or Something Else? **PICS INCLUDED**

    I guess I'll have to see with the Tricide-Neo. I ordered it from KoiDepot BTW, cheapest place I could find. Still bloody expensive though. I got some great advice from a user (not sure if she wants her name mentioned here) about splitting the stuff into quarters, and only mixing up a quart at a...
  4. Yazzo

    Hen Breathing Very Heavily - Advice?? - *VIDEO INCLUDED*

    Thanks for the input. :) I actually tried holding her partially upside down earlier today, but no go. Didn't seem to do anything, and the only discharge coming from her mouth is a bit of spit when she sneezes (which is hardly ever). I might try it again later though. I don't really want to...
  5. Yazzo

    Hen Breathing Very Heavily - Advice?? - *VIDEO INCLUDED*

    One of my hens, seemingly out of nowhere, has developed very labored breathing. She is a quiet hen, but she wasn't really showing any symptoms before this afternoon, when she started breathing very heavily. I took her inside and gave her a bit of warm horehound tea (horehound is an expectorant -...
  6. Yazzo

    My Beloved Roo Is Becoming A Problem...despite all attempts to turn him around.

    Huh. You just put so much of my philosophies and techniques into one post, and much more eloquently and cleanly than I did with my rooster post and page from a few years back. The most remarkable thing is that you are mentioning Cesar Millan. I have NEVER heard anyone else mention him in...
  7. Yazzo

    Tamers Toes - Bumblefoot, Gout, Swollen, or Something Else? **PICS INCLUDED**

    Thanks for the input TwoCrows! I actually did try piercing the squishy part on the side of his foot (not the joint) a while back, but there wasn't really any notable liquid or pus. I didn't want to cut in really deep though. Before that, I used a syringe to try and extract any liquid or pus...
  8. Yazzo

    Tamers Toes - Bumblefoot, Gout, Swollen, or Something Else? **PICS INCLUDED**

    UPDATE: Haven't figured out what it is, and I've been very apprehensive to cut into his foot and possibly cause infection. I've been trying non-invasive methods - I just started to soak his foot with essential oils (tea tree, eucalyptus) for a few minutes a day to see if that does anything, as...
  9. Yazzo

    Gosling Can't Stand Up **EDIT** Cure for Goose Leg Problems - Nutritional Yeast!

    Alright, so good news and bad news time. Firstly, the bad news. The morning after I posted last, the gosling had declined very rapidly. Bobby had been eating and drinking fine the previous evening, but that morning there was no eating going on, so I resorted to force feeding some cooked...
  10. Yazzo

    Gosling Can't Stand Up **EDIT** Cure for Goose Leg Problems - Nutritional Yeast!

    I'm not actually feeding them any kind of processed chicken feed (unless oatmeal and apples are considered 'chicken feed'), but I have been giving them raw wheat, which with many past geese has never caused any problems. The gosling had been eating plenty of that as well as grazing a variety of...
  11. Yazzo

    Gosling Can't Stand Up **EDIT** Cure for Goose Leg Problems - Nutritional Yeast!

    This, is Bobby. Bobby is a three-month-old gosling, who has three parents (two geese and a gander are raising him/her right now). Anywho, 'Bobby' has been just fine in life so far (albeit a bit smothered by the excessive parenting caused by first-time parents and being an only-gosling ), but a...
  12. Yazzo


    Well, there are many anti-hawk measures that other people have more knowledge with and will advise you on - devices you can use, fence you can put over the coop, etc, but I'm going to go out on a limb and ask: do you have any ravens or crows nearby? Believe it or not, it's the ravens that keep...
  13. Yazzo

    BumbleFoot and drawing salve?

    Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out. I have a rooster with a bad case of what I'm pretty sure is bumblefoot, and I'm trying to find a non-invasive way of treating him, as I'm not sure where I would even cut, if I would have to cut into his foot, or it may turn out VERY messy and...
  14. Yazzo

    Does this look like gout?

    I have a rooster with one foot that looks almost exactly like this, and I'm trying to get a diagnosis. Hope you get some answers!
  15. Yazzo

    Tamers Toes - Bumblefoot, Gout, Swollen, or Something Else? **PICS INCLUDED**

    Well, washed his foot off really good, though, surprisingly, it was already quite clean. This is what the bottom looks like. That one scabby-looking thing on the bottom doesn't seem to be a bumblefoot scab, as it's covered with scales, and seems like more of a sore than a scab, but I'm not sure...
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