Recent content by yieldmaximalist

  1. Y

    can you identify my lil red hens’ breeds?

    i got a flock of rare/standard chicks delivered, still trying to figure out what these ladies are. any ideas? i have 5 that look the exact same, although 3 have what appears to be pea combs and the others are a tad more pronounced and look like single combs. the photo above illustrates two...
  2. Y

    Possible Easter Egger Cockerel

    this is my first flock, and i’ve identified this “hen” as an easter egger due to the green legs, however the tail feathers are starting to make me think “she” is a “he”. Comb and wattle say hen (IMO) but like i said, first time raising chickens since i was 8-10 years old, so could use the expert...
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