Recent content by Yorkshiregal

  1. Yorkshiregal

    Broody hen has left nest on day 21

    I don’t think she will either! Her other kids are already out of the coop and doing big chicken things … I think I’ll move them into the coop in a safe area. Just so the other chickens can get used to them! It’s been a good learning curve.
  2. Yorkshiregal

    Broody hen has left nest on day 21

    I put the eggs inside the incubator to hatch. I hatched 6 healthy chicks out of the 8 eggs. I have them in the brooder now. I’m thinking about putting them with her one night this week but it dropped a little cool this week in VA. She’s a great mother hen she might look out for them...
  3. Yorkshiregal

    Broody hen has left nest on day 21

    Yes just as I thought! She did go over and sit on them a little while ago. I think I’ve confused her
  4. Yorkshiregal

    Broody hen has left nest on day 21

    I gave my broody hen 4, 2 day old chicks last week. She has had chicks before and she seems to be a good mum. I think I’ve messed up though in doing that. Previously she was sat on 12 eggs and the other hens were fighting her to lay eggs and a few eggs were broken so We built her her own area...
  5. Yorkshiregal

    Guardian dog chasing baby turkeys :/

    Did you ever stop your GD doing this?? I’m pulling my hair out at the moment and not finding many answers to my problem.
  6. Yorkshiregal

    Broody hen in the coop and 2 guinea eggs in the incubator?

    So here’s my dilemma. I had two broody hens and two successful eggs hatched under one of them, they are 19 days old today. The other broody hen wasn’t successful at hatching anything but she’s still very broody! I did have extra eggs under her for another week or so but non successful. So I...
  7. Yorkshiregal

    Help my chicken lethargic and threw up water????

    Thanks! I do have one who lays strange shaped eggs and I’m wondering if it’s her. I’ve been massaging her crop every few hours. She did throw up some more. I noticed meal worms in it. I gave her coconut oil and honey with water and she has some jogurt I’ll keep her separate...
  8. Yorkshiregal

    Help my chicken lethargic and threw up water????

    So I noticed yesterday one of my 3 year old rr was kinda quiet. Standing around and just looking off. She looks perfectly well. So today I noticed the same thing. I picked her up and felt her butt and everything looks good. She’s not egg bound at least, a little white runny poop around...
  9. Yorkshiregal

    poke weed and poke berries

    Don’t worry mine eat the berries the leaves also. My ducks do too. They’ve been alive for a few years now.
  10. Yorkshiregal

    Comment by 'Yorkshiregal' in article 'Why are my hens not laying?'

    Thanks that was very informative! My girls haven’t been laying to well. I put it down to the change in weather but now I’m sure it’s because I added new hens to the gang and the pecking order has changed. My two silkies are usually on the bottom of the pecking order and I always get two...
  11. Yorkshiregal

    Aggressive rooster and small children, really need some answers asap

    I tried everything with my rooster because I raised him and he was great with the hens. He just got meaner and meaner to be honest. He attacked me getting eggs from the nesting boxes one day, it was the last straw for me! He got up really high and jumped at me and I never saw it coming. He...
  12. Yorkshiregal

    Is Frida a Fred?

    Lol 😂 that was the cutest thing I’ve seen today! He’s gonna be a handful😂
  13. Yorkshiregal

    Sebrights & polish not laying?

    My polish took forever to lay eggs compared to my other mixed hen flock! It was about 11 months. I read not to expect much from polish hens but my girls lay every day. Sometimes I get 3 eggs. I’m not sure if one is laid at night but it’s strange. The eggs are small but the yolks are big. I...
  14. Yorkshiregal

    Review by 'Yorkshiregal' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    Great information! I’ve often wondered about misshapen eggs and the speckled eggs I sometimes get. Thanks so much!
  15. Yorkshiregal

    +++Do some hens NOT lay eggs??+++

    I have a chicken that has never laid an egg. I’ve never seen her go in a box or cluck or act like she wanted too lay an egg? We got her and her sister last spring. Her sister lays eggs. Tractor Supply said she was a Black Asian ? She’s a big hen and blue black, very pretty .. I was just...
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