Recent content by yttac16

  1. yttac16

    February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

    All of mine have hatched. 7 hatched, unfortunately one didn't absorb all of its yolk and didn't make it. I have 6 little chicks 🥰
  2. yttac16

    Bleeding chick with unabsorbed yolk HELP

    Unfortunately she didn't make it. She had curled toes on one foot and was barley walking so may have been for the best
  3. yttac16

    Bleeding chick with unabsorbed yolk HELP

    Great thank you!! And I'll keep a close eye on this chick
  4. yttac16

    Bleeding chick with unabsorbed yolk HELP

    It's doing a lot better this mornings. Getting up and moving around in the incubator. It's mostly dry now. Any suggestions how to clean it off? I would hate for it to now have issues with its vent it's it's dried over it
  5. yttac16

    Bleeding chick with unabsorbed yolk HELP

    Thanks for the reply! I thought this would be a wait and see situation. It looks a lot more comfortable now without the shell so 🤞
  6. yttac16

    Bleeding chick with unabsorbed yolk HELP

    Hi all! I had a chick pip at 18 days and hatch almost 24 hours later. The pip had a little blood and liquid come out. It has been stuck on the shell and laying down since it hatched. I decided to take it out and very carefully remove the shell. Its leg had slightly dried and was unable to kick...
  7. yttac16

    February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

    The first to hatch from one of the Australorp eggs. My kids have named it Freddie. Two of the Ameraucanas have hatched too
  8. yttac16

    February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

    the first egg has hatched and two more have pipped! I will post some photos once it has dried off
  9. yttac16

    February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

    Today is lockdown and to my surprise standing in the kitchen I can hear cheeping! One egg already has an external pip!! I have removed the turner and now the waiting begins
  10. yttac16

    February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

    Due on the 15th. Lockdown tomorrow! I've just finished setting up the brooder and checking I have everything for when they hatch 😁
  11. yttac16

    February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

    Sorry for the late reply! I candle at day 7, 1 wasn't fertile and 11 doing well. I candeled yesterday 14 days 1 had stoped developing so I have 10 all going well. I'm very happy with the progress and my kids are all excited to see them hatch
  12. yttac16

    February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

    They are orange New Hampshires. Hopefully a couple are hens 🤞
  13. yttac16

    February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

    Can i join in?! I set 12 eggs a couple days ago due to hatch on the 15th. Ameraucana, New Hampshire and Australorp
  14. yttac16

    Help me sex my chicks please!!

    Bump in hopes someone might have a look
  15. yttac16

    Help me sex my chicks please!!

    Hi all! Is it too early to try and sex my chicks? I'll list breed and ages below. Most are almost 6 weeks and one a few days older I believe both the Ameraucanas are cockerels unsure about the rest. Interested to see what others think 1. Ameraucana, 5.5 weeks 2. Ameraucana, 5.5 weeks 3...
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