Recent content by Zac's Flock

  1. My Coops 3

    My Coops 3

    I currently have four coops in my backyard. The quarantine coop is the one not pictured. Homemade Broody Pen: This is where my hens hatch their babies and raise them for the first 2-3 weeks. The small brick is where the waterer sits. The large brick is the step to get up into the nestbox (the...
  2. Zac's Flock

    My Chickens 35

    I currently own 4 silkies (grey hen, black hen, white hen, buff rooster) and 2 frizzled pekin bantams (white, hopefully hens). Buff Rooster (Billy Bob): (still young) Black Hen (Pepper): (with her two chicks - they are both grown up roosters now) White Hen (Lucy): (we had some rain which is...
  3. Zac's Flock

    How much room for my silkies?

    Hi. I currently have four silkies (1 roo and 3 hens) I am planning on breeding them when the roo grows up. I was just wondering how much run space (metres/feet square) 6-10 silkies need. They are let out for about 2 hours a day and all day Sat and Sun most weekends. The run they are currently in...
  4. Zac's Flock

    What might these be???

    Not sure what breed but he is a funny looking rooster with a weird comb!! lol quite different in a cool way
  5. Zac's Flock

    Bantam Rooster and LF hens?

    I would say he is a game cross - not sure what breed though.
  6. Zac's Flock

    So far, so good.

    I don't have an incubator so all my chickens are hatched under my broody hens. I was so excited waiting those three weeks for the little chickens. Then a few days before they were due to hatch we had a thunderstorm which killed the growing chicks - I was so disappointed. I then tried again and...
  7. Zac's Flock

    How long are fertile eggs still good after they are laid?

    I would agree with what Gypsy said - the cochin eggs might be less likely to hatch due to the fact that the humidity (and temp??) is increased for lockdown but it might do the same damage as it would waiting the 2 weeks.
  8. Zac's Flock

    Breed Suggestions

    I would start with the breeds you already have roosters of. You can always get more roosters later of the other breeds.
  9. Zac's Flock

    Converting dog pen?

    I would definitely use the dog pen and build a coop either on the inside or outside. The smell factor always depends on how clean you keep your coop/run.
  10. Zac's Flock

    Got sand? You should!

    I personally use wood shavings in my coop (large dog kennel) which works great for my silkies. Does the sand wash away in heavy rain if the run is on a slope?
  11. Zac's Flock

    Run care

    In part of my run I use mowed grass which the chooks love scratching through. I have also read that sand is good to have for the floor in runs.
  12. Zac's Flock

    Look what I found in the driveway!

    Not sure on the breed but they sure are pretty!
  13. Zac's Flock

    Broody Silkie hen not getting off nest to poop!

    Maybe taking her off the nest once or twice a day would help. I would try and scrape the dried poop off the eggs gently. She may not be leaving the nest because she is so devoted to her eggs that she won't leave them! Silkies are great brooie and mothers.
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