Recent content by Zhevotnya

  1. Z

    Township continues to Persecute me!...

    Thanks to all for your words of good advice and moral support. I showed up in court at a very "inconvenient" 7:58 a.m. on Monday morning, (as it said on my "defendant's copy,") only to be told by the court clerk that I didn't need to be there! She said the notice I received was intended for my...
  2. Z

    Township continues to Persecute me!...

    Hello all, My "behind the times," township, (Bangor, Bay County, Michigan,) is still proceeding to charge me, (in court,) with violation of their "blight" ordinance! I own five boats, (all of which are now stowed for the winter on my 80' x 60' asphalt "parking pad,") and only eight chickens...
  3. Z

    Temperature goes down to -20 below here!

    Hello, you "chicken lovers," This year will be the first time I've attempted to keep a flock over winter. As I stated in "header," in my part of lower Michigan, (outskirts, Bay City,) it can reach an absolute temperature (not considering wind chill,) of 20 below! I know egg production will...
  4. Z

    Conflicting Info on Water Issues

    I would simply empty one of the waterers and turn it upside down in a warm place 'til it is dry. I would then wire brush, (a brand-new one, not the one you've used on your grill,) the rusty areas, and give them a couple of "light" coats of Rustoleum spray paint. (Four light coats are...
  5. Z

    Not quite a Newbie...but...

    Hello to everyone, I'm a 68-year-old, 100% combat-disabled veteran, (and please, before you say... "thank you for your service," think about just what that phrase really means...) who's still battling with Bangor Township, Michigan, about keeping a small flock of just eight chickens, six...
  6. Z

    Township headaches...!

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, but I view my time in service to our government much as you would view going to work on a regular was simply my job, for 18 years. Until "inaccurate intel and reconnaissance," (I'm quoting the official U.S. response,) "grossly...
  7. Z

    Township trying to take 10-year old girl's pets away -- support needed ASAP

    If you have "good" health insurance, you could likely persuade a psychiatrist, (or a free, licensed "counselor" from your local municipal mental health association,) to write a letter stating that these chickens are essential to maintaining your daughter's sense of well-being and her continuing...
  8. Z

    Not newbie, but need advice...

    Can anyone offer advice about keeping chickens and ducks in same, (very large,) coop? Also, I have two roosters, (both "accidents,") from Tractor Supply Company. I had to "rescue" two ducklings immediately after placing them in coop, or both roosters would have pecked them to death! Please...
  9. Z

    Township headaches...!

    My township in Michigan "permitted" me to keep poultry in 2016, due to a letter sent to them by my Veterans' Administration psychiatrist, who pointed out that "as a 100%, combat-disabled veteran, keeping poultry is essential to my continuing recovery from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...
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