Recent content by Zindagi

  1. Z

    Okay peeps, heads up, no matter what you have, watch what you are feeding your birds: [MEDIA]...

    Okay peeps, heads up, no matter what you have, watch what you are feeding your birds: issues with TSC chicken feed, and it could be other feeds. People are seeing non-normal molts, weakeness, extreme egg production drop off. Heads UP!
  2. Z

    Alert mode

    Alert mode
  3. Z

    Chicken can't stand or walk, paralyzed??

    Bathe the chicken in Luke warm water and white vinegar. Towel dry, then hair dry if necessary. You can use Diamatrious Earth, but be careful and don’t let the chicken inhale it. Clean any coup, spray vinegar everywhere, then spread the D earth, Vaseline your birds feet, vent, and crown, make...
  4. Z

    Chicken can't stand or walk, paralyzed??

    Get epsom salt, put in like warm water, about a cup in a small tub, bathe her. Magnesium is absorbed through the skin and will invigorate her. Also will help remove any parasites that could be effecting her. Next, dissolve a human magnesium supplement, calcium, and b13 in water. Mix it, and take...
  5. Z

    Worm balls in crop!!!

    Oh, I forgot to add, I haven’t tried food grade diatomous earth yet, but there seems to be you can get some to add to there food from tractor supply. A little, as not too much. Too much could cause issue. They have the red clay variety.
  6. Z

    Worm balls in crop!!!

    Hey, start adding mothers apple cider vinegar to your water. Lessens chance of sour crop. Makes the chicken less inhabital to worms. One capful per gallon of water.
  7. Z

    Please help!

    Oh, you can also bathe chickens in a lukewarm vinegar(white vinegar bath). This gets rid of parasites), and if you see leg mites. Wash them with dish soap, then coat their legs with Vaseline. It will make it so it’s too slippery to climb. Clean the coop. Do not use Clorox or any chlorine...
  8. Z

    Please help!

    Just in case of parasites there are natural remedies that work rather quickly. One capful per gallon water of apple cider vinegar(must be organic). Feed your chickens herbs too. Oregano, is good. You can even use baking oregano. Get natural oats, put natural honey with oregano in. Use filtered...
  9. Z

    Broody Black Sumatran

    I’m in Texas, and the nearest Black Sumatran farm I found so farm is in Wisconsin. They currently have nothing available. I was hoping for black Sumatran.
  10. Z

    Comment by 'Zindagi' in article 'Chicken Behavior The Ignorant Gal's Guide To Things No Sane Person Would Tell You About Chickens'

    Have you attempted borax with your laundry detergent for the cecal poop? I also add vinegar and baking soda. This may do the trick.☺️
  11. Z

    Sick chick Cocci? Bloated crop, please help

    Put vinegar in their water. Apple cider vinegar(the natural mother’s stuff). A few drops will help clear parasites. Start feeding your babies herbs. Most don’t know that oregano(even the dried stuff) can help. You can even give chickens natural honey, and more. Give them grass, and they will...
  12. Z

    Can anyone identify this feather- hunting chickens

    If still having issues, string pie tins all over your pens. It won’t bother the chickens, but will work on owls and hawks.
  13. Z

    Broody Black Sumatran

    I have a broody black Sumatran, and she is definitely out of sorts. I don’t have any roosters, and hope she won’t stay broody for too long. I have two silver-laced Wyandottes, one white leghorn, and two Rhode Island reds which she protects the eggs and warms them. She gets very upset if I take...
  14. Z

    New Gosling with Leaky Nose and Heavy Breathing

    What works on my chickens may work for your duck. I’m sure it will take oatmeal. Get some oatmeal, add warm water(thick but mushy), add oregano flakes(helps fight infection)and cinnamon(this helps with respiratory). You can even feed fresh oregano and cilantro. Ducks and chickens will eat herbs...
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