

Japanese Bantams are a tiny breed of chicken known for their extremely short legs, large combs...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Bears confinement well,Noisy,Calm
Breed Colors/Varieties
There are several recognized colors of the Japanese Bantam, such as Black, Black or Blue Tailed white, White, Blue, Black Tailed Buff, Buff Columbian, Birchen or Grey, Cuckoo. Frizzles of any color, Mottleds (Black, Blue),Brown/reds, Black/red, Wheatan, Partridge, Duckwing Gold or silver, and Blue reds.
Breed Size
Single Comb Clean Leg

Japanese Bantams are a tiny breed of chicken known for their extremely short legs, large combs and graceful, arched tails. The wings of a Japanese bantam will touch the ground as it walks. This breed originated in Southeast Asia and were kept by Japanese aristocrats and affluent fanciers of poultry as ornamental garden fowl as their beauty far surpassed their egg production. They are appreciated in gardens still as their tiny feet do little damage. A wonderful show bird, these tiny birds require little feed and space but put on a big show. The Black Tailed White Japanese Bantam was recognized by the American Poultry Standard of Perfection in 1874 and have maintained a strong presence in the show circuit ever since.

Japanese Bantam eggs

Japanese Bantam hens

Japanese Bantam rooster
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Pros: small, nice looks, tame easily, eat little, caring roos, showy
Cons: small(depending on what you want), not ready to accept a new flock when near the other one.
I have one black tailed white roo and he is so amazing. He will not forget the bigger sized chickens as his flock even though he has some more bantams with him. He holds himself proudly and never misses out a chance to help "his" flock, he has always called when there is food and been an active lookout. He is also very friendly. I have gotten him to the point where when I walk by, he is at the edge of the fence where I am. Although he isn't cuddly. He is an amazing rooster that puts many others I have seen to shame, despite his small size.
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Pros: broody, okay mothers
Cons: attack other chicks, super skittish, lethal gene
I have two Japanese hens raising chicks together since they wouldn't let me separate them:hugsThey are decent mothers, but one of them would peck at the chicks until she got used to them. I had another hen that was broody, and my japanese hen killed one of her chicks. They aren't an outstanding breed so I definitely wouldn't get again.:smack
Pros: Simply gorgeous, great personalities, friendly roosters, eye catchers, great lawn gnomes
Cons: Difficult to keep in condition, lethal gene
This bird is one of the few breeds that can capture the attention of anyone that walks by it. This breed has extremely short legs (a quality bird's leg is about the average length of a thumb, really nice ones are half that). Its squirrel tail is incredibly beautiful (especially on the roosters, which have extremely long sickles). The tail also fans out and stands upright forming a 'V' with its head, unlike other breeds, which really shows off its sleek feathers. Another key feature is that this breed's wings actually stand nearly vertically when relaxed, allowing the primaries to cover the legs and drag on the ground. This breed also has a large comb on the rooster, and large eyes (prone to frost bite and dryness if your not careful). The overall physique of this bird is extremely unique, and makes this bird incredibly beautiful to look at.

Japanese bantams also come in a variety of colors; black, white, black tailed white, black tailed buff, brown red, mottled, wheaten, and my personal favorite (and the variety I raise) the gray. The most commonly found colors are white, black, and black tailed white. The gray looks very similar to birchen.

Personality wise, these birds reign supreme. I have yet to meet a rooster sweeter than the ones the Japanese throw, and each bird is extremely affectionate. All my Japanese love to be held, and love baths. Honestly, their personalities are such a joy to interact with, and they are always excited to see you.

These are by far my favorite breed of bird, and one of the key reasons I'm so involved with poultry (and showing poultry).

As much as I truly, truly love this breed of bird, there are some cons to owning them.

They are difficult to keep in condition (especially with shows in mind.) Their wing feathers become shredded and covered with whatever is left on the ground when they aren't given routine baths and soft bedding. Their tall tail feathers also are prone to crimping (mostly the roosters), and the long sickles are easily snapped off. If you keep the hens and roosters together, this becomes even more of a problem.

Another con is that this breed produces lethal genes, from their short legs. This means that when you breed two short legged Japanese, 25% of the eggs will develop, but will die days before they're supposed to hatch. However, I personally have not had an issue with breeding my bantams in terms of the lethal gene.

This breed is technically an oriental breed, so don't get this breed expecting to get a huge egg producer. They lay eggs 2-3 times a week, and go through resting periods during the winter. Their eggs are smaller than the average bantam egg.

Overall, this breed is such a treat to own, despite the difficulties in maintaining it. I also want to mention the hens go broody fairly often. It's best to avoid hatchery Japanese chicks, as I guarantee from personal experience they won't look how you're expecting. They have pinched tails, and poor coloration. They also tend to be taller than they really should be, also known as "leggy". This is also a "true bantam" breed, meaning there isn't a larger version of it. Also note that there is no such thing as a "fan" tail variety of this breed. I have met people who have shown this, thinking that this is an accepted form of tail. Its not, and is actually just a pinched tail (a fault).

I recommend this breed to anyone looking for a unique bantam that has a great personality. It's fun to show, and beautiful to look at (and it will get you a lot of attention.) It's great for the hobbiest, the 4H project, and for the serious breeder. Just an awesome breed.


These fowl are beautiful.....please someone tell me how to best go about aquiring these little beauties.....
oh Id love to see pics of her flock in the yard. I am seriously thinking of getting a trio.. to start with. just for kicks. I too have all LF except for a pair of BB bantams that I won at a chickenstock.. and have come to adore them ... My mom and I went to a show last fall and saw the japanese for the first time in person..
I love Japanese bannies too! I just have the one hen right now though...

Her name's Pidge - short for Pidgeon
I have shared two pictures of Bonsai with the main Japanese Bantam review page :)
My Japanese Rooster Is The Opposite Of Yours He Is Very Loud But He Is a Happy Little Fella jeje I am Sorry For Your Lost Though I Have Lost a Lot Of Hens This Year as well Since I Live In Phoenix,Arizona The heat Killed Them
I just love my buff japaneses. I use to have a trio before my sweet little muffin died from a vent prolapse. she was the sweetest thing and would ride on the handle bar of my bike. i also have Princess and Buddy. Princess has a crown like comb and spots on her hackles, she looks and acts like a little princess. Buddy, my rooster is the cutest thing, i just love his squirrel tail, he's been acting a little rowdy ever since muffy died and has started to peck me for the first time in his life, not hard though, i feel really bad for him, i know he loved muffy. luckily i have two baby ones in the brooder, keeping my fingers crossed that they are both girls. The black japenese roosters can be very agressive though, but the buffs are as sweet as pie. Everyone shoe add some of these beautiful birds to their flock!
Agree with Gramma...you need to make the coop more secure so they don't take any more.
I reeforced my chicken wire with welded wire from tractor supply. so chickens can't stick heads out and coons can't tear in past panel wire. sorry your lose.

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