BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Also, saw you horse ride! Do you have horses? We have two. :D
No problem there are a lot of great pictures! And no I don't have a horse yet . What kinds our your horses?
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Both of ours are Quarter horses. Misty, profile banner, might be mixed with some POA. She's pretty short and sporty. ;) Were do you ride? Notice you said yet, are you horse hunting? If so, thats really exciting!
I love Quarter Horses! I take riding lessons and ride at our neighbors who has horses and ropes . I browse over adds for horses but I'm not officially horse hunting.:( Still trying to convince my dad I need a horse and I 'm a good rider. Unfortunately he's not that in to horses . But when I convince him we have the land but we need to build a fence. We're getting there. Do you ride western?
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Thats so cool! Same way I started out. In the right place with the right neighbor, I don't think I would have gotten horses without her.
It does take some convincing, you just have to find the right setup, and the right reasoning and eventually they cave. ;)
I used to ride Western, but I could never find a good saddle that fit my horse, we tried a lot of Western saddles.
I eventually gave up and we bought Ghost saddles. They're a treeless saddle that fits every horse. They have moveable panels, so you can adjust the fit of the saddle to your horses back. Its really neat! They're built like English saddles, so I'd say I ride English. I usually refer to them as endurance saddles though.
What about you? What discipline do you ride in?
I ride western and my riding teacher has me ride some english to improve my riding but I like western better. At my neighbors I'm learning to rope and barrel race. I hope to compete soon but I need perimission for that too .:rolleyes::)
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That is really cool! I would barrel race, but I don't think its worth it for me. I just love to run. :D So does Misty.
I hope you are able get your own horse, I'm sure you will. It sounds like you're on the right track. Once you get the hang of English its really fun. You feel so much more connected to the horse. Probably not best for barrel racing, but it's really fun for pleasure riding.
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