BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Abigail Rosette
Abigail Rosette
the chick stage is the best!! they're so delicate but ever so adorable. yes, you miss them so much when they get bigger....:hit:hit
Sara S
Sara S
Most of mine are bantams🤣 I keep on hatching them. My big chickens though act like chicks and follow me around and love cuddles, I just miss being able to pet them going all the ways instead of just with the feathers🤦‍♀️
Abigail Rosette
Abigail Rosette
omg stoppp!!! your pics are making me want more chicks!!!!:hit
Sara S
Sara S
I’ll send you them 🤣
Abigail Rosette
Abigail Rosette
Abigail Rosette
my chickens are like my babies!!
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