BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Blue Raptor
Blue Raptor
Flash, where did ya go, mate? :(
Hey! I just got so busy I forgot about BYC! (It's nice to know you didn't forget me :D) I moved, finished school and started TAFE so its been hectic.
Blue Raptor
Blue Raptor
That sounds awesome! 😊
What's TAFE, though?
It's like an Australian Uni but TAFE is more hands on. Its like where you learn trades and study for apprenticeships.
Blue Raptor
Blue Raptor
Oh wow that sounds cool! I hope you have fun. 😊
How are you?
Blue Raptor
Blue Raptor
I’m good, thanks! My and my sister and brother just went thrift and grocery shopping today, which was fun. :)
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