BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

:frow Hi GTC! It has been a long time since we've spoken!
I'm doing good, thanks! You?
Grandma The Chicken
Grandma The Chicken
I'm well. I've been busy with school but I've been getting distracted so that's the worst part. There've been things I've been wanting to do, but work and procrastination have been in the way. Other than that, I'm well. I am in a conversation with a lot of people and we used to type a lot but now, not so much. We've talked a little but not as much as we used to. Everyone's been so busy these days.
Grandma The Chicken
Grandma The Chicken
All we talk about is random stuff and nonsense. I've been wanting to write an article for the contest but procrastination and schoolwork have prevented me starting the article. There are lots of people in the conversation. Three left and only 5 people are the most active. One of the five is me. There is one other person that responds every once in a while and a few others that have forgotten the conversation.
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