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I LOVE Wings of Fire! I have all the books i can my hands on! I do have lots of OCs but not on this site. My favorite one is a SandWing named Coyote
I had her before the 15th book came out but now everyone thinks she is canon 😭
I am a sandwing girl 1000000%
Blue Raptor
Blue Raptor
Heyyyyy saaame!! :highfive:
I actually don’t have a lot compared to some people, but all of my OCs were created for roleplays. 😂
My main one is one I created just for myself named Raptor and she’s a Sand/IceWing. :D
Blue Raptor
Blue Raptor
What’re all your OCs names/types? :p
There is:

Coyote (SandWing), loud personality, jewelry maker
Deathstalker (SandWing), very ominous, assassin
Dawn&Dusk (IceWing twins from same egg), love penguins, live in Possibility & hep w/Pantalan matters sometimes
Raven (NightWing), genius(NO JOKE), works in a library
Taipan (SandWing), apothecary, likes to make jokes
I definitely lean towards SandWings more.
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